thorn in the side

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Hello there boys and girls I hope that all of you are having a good day today and are ready for the next chapter of my power rangers jungle fury that I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing if for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is if you were the power rangers what would you do if you were in the rangers situation in the last episode/chapter. Personally I would be utterly terrified since it would be the ned to all of my quite time and a personal life if it was known that I was a power ranger. But that is just me and now with that all said and done lets get on with the story shall we.


Walking back I got he kitchen after handing a customer there meal I looked over to Fran, since she found out about the power rangers secret she has actually been quite cool about it, promising not to tell anyone and even still works here like nothing happened, she has not even asked us for a raise. Theo, Lily, and RJ were also there doing there work while Casey was still outside doing his table.

Y/n:"okay, so how long until those Pizza are ready?"

Fran:"just a minute, its a sausage and peperoni, and its for table seven."


I looked over to the section where we kept the toppings and saw that we were running low on sausage so getting some out of the fridge and taking out a meat knight I began to slice it finely while Casey was back in the kitchen and took our the sausage and peperoni pizza using the pizza paddle. When I heard him slid the pizza down onto the cutting board but then I heard gasps and as I turned around I saw that he had spilled the pizza sauce on accident.

Lily:"no problem I can make more sauce."

RJ:"ehh, Theo you were meant to put on extra sausage not pepperoni."

Looking over to my brother who was looking at the order, I sighed as we would now need to redo it but then things seemed to get worse as Fran, took what Casey was using to clean up the mess showing that it was a top that was now covered in sauce.

Fran:"hey. I just bought that."

Casey:"oh, sorry, I was wondering why a rag would have buttons on it."

Fran:"I think you guys need to be a little more considerite, like Lily."

Theo:"no we don't, Lily, considerate enough for all of us."

Finishing up chopping my sausage's I made my way over to the cooking area picking up a rag and moved Casey out of the way as I cleaned up the mess but then all of us stopped this petty squabbling when RJ, made a sudden scream of pain as well as gripping his chest where his heart was.

Y/n:"RJ! are you okay."

Rushing to my brothers side alone with everyone else in the room as Rj, tried to recompose himself and wave his hand from side to side.

RJ:"yeah, yeah,  I pulled a muscle yesterday so... I'm going to go upstairs and take a break."

Then he began to make his way up stairs while the five of us looked up at him worried for him, since he came back from being a prisoner of Dai shi, I have been keeping an eye on him to make sure that he is well. When he was Upstairs all of us went back to what we were doing while Casey walked out with the pizza in a box to deliver it.

Lily:"hey, y/n, do you know what he pulled a muscle on?"

I looked over to Lily, stopping before I left the kitchen.

Y/n:"no, I am as much in the dark as you all are, but I hope that's all it is."

Then I left the rangers in the room and went out to check if anyone of my tables were ready to pay or if there was anyone else who wants to sit down, the lunch rush would be just about starting, While the place was getting busy it seemed that good fate was not on our side as both Lily and Theo rushed out with there hands empty and a crashing sound coming form the kitchen. When I went back into the kitchen I saw that Fran was on the ground with glasses, pizza boards, as well as the food and drinks that were in/on them scattered.

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