Gupta Empire 400 A.D.

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"Ereida, on your left!" Thena called out.

I heeded her warning, sending an arc of light towards the Deviant as it advanced. "Thanks!"

The creature reared back, completely blinded by the attack. I took that chance to hit it hard with blow after blow of concentrated UV until it keeled over and didn't make an effort to stand again.

"That's for ruining Sersi's wedding, bitch!"

Another one charged me, but I knocked it down quickly with a low powered slash. A final blow from Gil put it out of its ugly misery.

"And that's for ruining my sari!"

We had been preparing to head to the church when the alarm had sounded, signaling an attack near the city wall. I tried to convince everyone to go ahead; Thena, Gil and I could take care of it. But they had refused, Ikaris and Sersi insisting everyone be there for their big day. Stupid Deviants! It's like they can sense when something happy is happening and feel the need to ruin it.

"Less sulking, more slashing!" Kingo scolded, dodging under a Deviant tail.


I lashed out at the closest creature with a whip of pure darkness, hitting every part of its muscular form that I could reach, weakening it. Thena drove a blade through its neck and it crumpled to the ground.

"Girl power! Up top," I said, holding up my hand.

She looked at me wearily, but eventually accepted, smacking my hand with a small grin.

From above, one of the beasts dived at us, shrieking as it drew closer. We ducked just as it clawed at where our faces had been. Ikaris went after it, knocking it out of the sky with his heat vision.

Kingo and Gil were handling the big one, using their mix of super strength and cosmic energy to confuse and confound the dumb creature. It snorted, lowering its head and trying to charge. Gil was ready, grabbing it by the horns and pushing it backwards, allowing Kingo the time to slip under it and aim for its belly. Within seconds, it was dead.

"Who's on clean-up this time?" Ikaris asked, landing gracefully beside me.

"Not it!" I exclaimed, touching a finger to my nose.

"Not it!" Kingo and Ikaris copied.

"Gilgamesh will do it," Thena said.

"Why is it always me?" he groaned.

"Because you are so big and strong! Carcasses are no match for you," I crowed, throwing myself at his feet and pretending to praise him. "Oh, great Gilgamesh! Please! Discard these beasts! Save this great Empire from their fearsome forms!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere."

"Thena said you had to," I said, standing once more.


I knocked my shoulder against his with a smile.

We left Gil and Thena there at the wall (she wanted to supervise), and headed back to the Domo. The Eternals who had stayed behind were all gathered in the main room, waiting for our return and report. Sersi was pacing, still dressed in her robe, hair and makeup half done. I had been in the middle of assisting Makkari in getting her prepared for the wedding when we got the alert. Even in her half-ready, anxious state, she was the picturesque blushing bride; youthful and glowing.

"Well?" she asked, eyes so big I thought they would pop out of her head.

"All taken care of, darling. We're getting you married today," I replied, cupping her cheek and offering a kind smile. "As soon as Gil and Thena get back and change, we'll go. So, chop chop!" I ushered her off to her room, Makkari in tow, stopping only to greet Druig with a kiss on the cheek and an "I'm okay."

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