Chapter 4

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The stupid metal bucket wouldn't leave him alone.

Bruno stared at it from across his bedroom, watching it as the inanimate object taunted him. His rats seemed confused at Bruno's misdirected attention, but Bruno didn't care. All he cared about was the bucket.

It had been days. Bruno hadn't been required to go out to the village ever since he saw Cassidy, and he didn't want to. He knew that as soon as he stepped out of the Casita door he would have to return the bucket. And, when doing so, he would see her.

Bruno had mixed feelings. He liked her. Cassidy seemed to enjoy being around him, which Bruno really appreciated, and he would love to see her again. Her joy was so contagious, he felt so safe around her. But, he knew that she wasn't safe around him.

From what he heard about Cassidy and her relationship with her family, it wasn't a good idea for her and Bruno to hang out. He was a curse, everyone knew it, and if she was seen with him...Bruno didn't want to think about what it could mean for her. All he knew was that her life would be just as bad as his. Maybe even worse.

It was one thing to be a curse. But it was another thing when someone chooses to be around a curse.

Bruno didn't want her to get hurt. But he knew that he needed to return the bucket. He didn't know what to do.

A part of him believed that he should go and return the bucket when he knew that Cassidy wasn't home. Yet, apparently she was at home all the time. So that was a no. He could try to sneak it into their yard or their house when no one was home, but his mama would not be pleased. And Bruno could already hear what everyone else would say.

So there he was, staring at a bucket that was filled with more questions than anything else.

Bruno jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, Julieta standing over him.

"Are you okay, Bruno? I didn't mean to scare you."

He nodded, a blush creeping on his face. "Yes...yes, I'm fine."

Julieta glanced at the bucket with a frown. "What's that?"

"Umm..nothing! It's nothing!"

His sister sighed. "You're a horrible liar. What is it?"

"A bucket."

"Okay, but why do you have it?"

Bruno frowned, crossing his arms defensively over his chest. "It's stupid."

Julieta seemed to notice his shift in attitude, and sat beside him. "It's probably not stupid."

Bruno took a deep breath. "It's Cassidy's, you know, Abigail's sister?" His sister nodded and he continued. "We talked for a bit near the stream, and she forgot it there. I need to give it back, but I don't really want to see her."

"Why don't you want to see her? She seems nice enough."

"That's the problem!" Bruno exclaimed, getting to his feet and grabbing the bucket, turning back to Julieta with wide eyes. "She's nice to me!"

"And...that's an issue?" Julieta asked, also getting to her feet, taking the bucket out of trembling hands and setting it down.

" don't..." He ran his fingers through his hair, frustration blooming in his chest. His voice was wavering, and he felt one of his rats run across his feet, trying to understand why Bruno was so upset.

Julieta gave an understanding smile, no stranger to Bruno's uncertain and jumpy behavior.

"Why don't you start from the beginning?"

Everything (Nothing) Keeps us Apart (Bruno Madrigal/ Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now