Chapter 10

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Bruno got home late at night, covered in paint. He and Cassidy had managed to fix the mural, but it had taken a while. He knew that his mother wouldn't be pleased, but he wanted to be there for Cassidy. She had really had a hard time with it, and Bruno knew that he could be the one to help her. The mural wasn't restored to its original beauty, according to Cass, but it still looked nice.

Bruno didn't know what time it was as he stumbled into the kitchen, grabbing an arepa with blurry vision. He got himself a glass of water and drank it desperately, hot from being outside for so long. He was exhausted from the experience, he had no clue how Cassidy could paint for so long, and he knew that he was going to be even more tired come tomorrow, when he had to give visions again.

"Bruno Madrigal! What are you doing?" His mother exclaimed from behind him, and Bruno yelped, nearly dropping the glass.

"Mama! Don't be so loud?"

"Where were you? I have been waiting for hours."

Bruno sighed. "I was helping Cassidy fix her mural, her sister put red paint all over it, it was crazy, so I was helping her repaint it, you know? We just got it done, Mama, and I'm tired. Can we please talk about this tomorrow?"

"No! You not only skipped out on your visions, but you didn't even come home for dinner! And hanging out with that girl, no less! How could you do this?"

"Mama! She needed help!"

Alma's face was full of fury, arm pointing to Bruno's door. "Go to your room, Bruno! I don't want to see you right now!"

Bruno frowned and set the cup down, walking slowly to his room, a sick feeling in his stomach.

"That girl? Come on, she's more than just a girl, her name is Cassidy." Bruno huffed, climbing the stairs and opening the door. He didn't bother to clean off the paint from his hands or closed, all he did was sit on his bed and grab one of his rats. It was Elroy, and Bruno petted him gently as he sunk further and further into his own mind.

His mother had to know about him and Cassidy hanging out, and she hated her. Was she upset that he didn't come home, or that they were friends? Did she know that they were more than friends?

Bruno knew that he had to tell her eventually, but he knew that his mother didn't like her, and he still wanted to be able to see her. He didn't want to be stopped from seeing Cassidy because of his mother's feelings about her.

He sighed, knowing that he couldn't do anything about it. The only thing he had power over was his own actions, and he knew that he wouldn't stop seeing her. His mother would have to deal with that herself.

Sleep didn't come easy for him last night, and his mind never stopped swirling with the worries of the next day.


Alma and Pepa were the only ones at the table when Bruno came down the next morning, his curly hair a mess from the night. The food on the table was cold and Pepa was just finishing up.

"Where is Julieta?" Bruno asked, and a cloud immediately formed above Pepa's head at the words. Alma sighed and put her fork down.

"Agustín is taking her out on a date, and he's going to propose to her."

"Really? That's awesome!" Bruno exclaimed, a smile bursting forth on his face, and Pepa scowled.

"It's not a big deal, Bruno."

"It is, Pepa, your sister may be getting married soon." Their mother replied, and Bruno glanced at his sister, concerned.

"You're jealous, aren't you?"

Everything (Nothing) Keeps us Apart (Bruno Madrigal/ Original Character)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu