Chapter 13

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"Cassidy! Cassidy, wake up!!"

She groaned as the voice entered her ears, the sunlight flashing in her eyes as her curtains for her window were pushed back.

She opened her eyes painfully and saw Bruno beaming at her from outside her window, his smile bigger than she had ever seen it.

"Bruno?" Her voice was groggy and full of sleep, but she managed to crack a confusing smile. "What's up?"

Bruno was close to shaking with excitement. "I need to talk to you. Quickly get dressed and meet me near the stream.

"What? We're talking just fine right now."

"Just, please, Cass?"

She nodded, brushing her hair away from her face. "Fine. I'll be there soon."

Bruno nodded rapidly and shut the blinds once again, and Cassidy sighed, knowing that she shouldn't have kept her window open at night. Having Bruno reach into her room and open her curtains from the outside...that was creepy. At least it was him and not some other guy.

She got out of bed and quickly put on her dress, wiping the sleep from her eyes, quickly ran a comb through her hair and put it in a bun. She walked out of her room, yawning. Her sister was staring at a boy through the window, and, as always, her parents didn't cast a glance at her. She assumed that her father was getting the shop open as he moved around with determination, and her mother cleaned her own shoes with meticulous care. Cassidy knew that her mother wanted to be presentable, and that it was best to not bother her when she was making herself look good. And, the last time she tried to strike up a conversation with her dad at this time of day she was forced into her room. It didn't matter that she was legally an adult now, she was still banished into her room. It sucked.

Cassidy smiled as she tried to push the thoughts from her mind, instead choosing to focus on Bruno. What in the world did he want to talk to her about? A part of her thought that it could be news about if they could date or not, but she had asked Bruno's mother months ago, and she never got a response.

But, it didn't matter what this was about. She had seen Bruno at his worst, usually after he had a dozen visions in a row, but she had also seen him at his best. And never, never, had she ever seen him so happy. It had to be something good.

"I'm going out for the morning, I'll see you guys later."

Her father only huffed in response, and she put on her shoes, walking out of the door.

The sun was as bright as the rays that hit her eyes that morning, but it didn't take long for her to get used to it. The village was already alive with activity, noises from all around making the day seem like it was already noon.

Julieta walked past her in a rush, a basket of goods in her arms.

"Good morning, Cassidy!"

"Morning, Julieta!"

Cassidy smiled as she watched Agustín run to her assistance, the man tripping over his feet, and she made her way towards the stream. She could see Bruno's green ruana in the distance, his far away form seemingly tossing stones into the stream. She picked up her pace and grabbed the bottom of her dress so she could run.


Bruno looked up and took a hold of her hands as soon as she had gotten close to him.

"My mom said that we could date! We can be together!"

Cassidy froze, her mouth dropping open in shock.

"Really? She...approves?"

Bruno nodded frantically. "Yes, she does! And, I talked to your parents yesterday, and they said yes, too!"

Everything (Nothing) Keeps us Apart (Bruno Madrigal/ Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now