Chapter 12

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Hello everyone!! I got this chapter out really lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

Alma had had an easy, relaxing day. This was very uncommon, and it made her feel like there was something else coming, something big, that she didn't know about. Was Bruno going to curse the village with a bad vision? Was Pepa going to make it rain? Was Julieta going to burn the food meant for the injured?

With the powers that her children had, she knew that anything could happen. She had to be prepared.

But nothing could prepare her for the knock that came to her door that afternoon.

She got up from the kitchen table where she was reviewing the recent trades for the Encanto, mind wandering. She wasn't expecting any visitors today, so who could it be?

As she slowly made her way to the door, she held her head up high and painted a smile on her face.

As she opened the door, Cassidy Lopez stood in front of her, a joyous smile on her lips.


"Bruno is busy with visions." Alma said. " I'm afraid that you will not be able to get a vision from him today, he has a lot to do."

"Oh, that's fine. I'm actually here to talk to you, if you would be willing." The young girl stood in front of her confidently and politely. Sometimes Alma had a hard time seeing that this girl was the same one that defended Bruno's rats all that time ago. Or even the shy girl that ate supper with them and her family.

"Yes, of course. Please, come on in. Would you like something to drink?"

Cassidy shook her head no as she stepped into the house, her brown eyes looking around with wonder.

Alma led her into the living room, gesturing for her to sit down as she took a seat across from her. Cassidy held her hands together and repositioned her dress, the smile never leaving her face.

"So, Cassidy, may I ask why you wished to see me?"

"I need to tell you something. It's about me and Bruno."

Alma stiffened in her seat, frowning.

"What about you two?"

The young girl took a deep breath. "I'm sure you've noticed that we've been spending a lot of time together."

Alma nodded.

"Well, we've both admitted that we love each other."

"What?" Her voice grew cold and icy, but Cassidy kept up a brave face.

"Yes. We've been dating for a while now. Well, my parents don't know about it, yet, but we made it official between us."

"Why did you wait so long to tell me? Why would Bruno not tell his own mother about this?"

"I...I think he was worried that you wouldn't approve. I'm worried about that with my own parents, and I wanted to talk to you, first. Not only are you Bruno's mother, and I respect you, but I believe that you needed to know first."

"I see."

The two of them fell into an uncomfortable silence, the only noise being Julieta's clanging of pans in the kitchen. Alma tried to gather her thoughts, but found it hard. She was used to being in control, but this...she had suspected something was going on, but they were dating? How had she not noticed? How had she not noticed that her son was in love?

Yet, now that she thought about it, she could tell that Bruno was a bit more outspoken, smiling a bit more at supper, and going out into the village a lot more than normal. It would make sense that Cassidy would change him, and Alma was shocked that she hadn't connected the dots.

Everything (Nothing) Keeps us Apart (Bruno Madrigal/ Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now