Prefrence 13 • part 2 •

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Scott • PART 2 •
I walked into school , holding my books tightly against my chest. Scott ... A werewolf ... Kate wants to kill me ... Is stiles human ... What the hell is Malia .... Liam , poor poor Liam , he's only 15 and had to deal with all this. Scott's a " true alpha ". Kate want to kill me.. ME !
All these thoughts were running through my head. I look down the hall and see Scott. Scott sees me and very slowly walks toward me. We didn't break eye contact until Danny walked up to me.
"Hey [Y/N] " Danny said. I whispered hi and looked back at Scott , he continued to walk towards me. Danny continued on talking but as Scott was walking toward and all memories came flooding back. Him in werewolf form. Kate wanting to kill me . It all just hit me like a rock.
"Hey [Y/N] ! Are you okay ! " I was starting and before I knew it.All. Went. Black.

(((((( you might see this scenario again somewhere * wink wink * {Liam fanfic}(((((: )))))))

I woke up in the hospital. I looked around and only saw one very burry person. I got very scared and tried to get up. It didn't work so well.
"Where, where , where am I ?" I scrambled

"It's okay it's okay I'm here"
"Scott" I let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding in.
"Shhh it's okay" Scott said
I hugged Scott. and in that moment I realized I was okay with everything that is going on. As long as I have Scott.

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