Scott imagine

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Your POV •

You sighed as you climbed out of bed. Today was the first day of school at your new school , beacon hills

High school. I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower , straightened my hair and brushed my teeth. After my quick shower , I walked to my closet to pick out something to where. I grabbed my outfit and slipped it on (picture on side). And grabbed my light wash denim backpack. Before I grabbed my car keys , I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and out into my backpack.

"BYE MOM . BYE DAD " I shouted running out the door. "BYE" they both said. I jumped into my car and drove to my new school.

I always hated being the new kid at school. It's sometime hard making friends , Or it's easy. It's just tough. I thought as I pulled up to school. I suddenly got really excited to come to school here it looked interesting.


I opened the main door to the office and asked for my schedule. "Um , excuse me but I'm the new girl [Y/N]. Uh could I please have my schedule please?". I asked politely "Of course honey" the lady smiled "here you go" she handed me my schedule and I replied with a simple 'thank you' and waked out.


I walked through the halls COMPLETELY lost. 'Oh god ' you thought as the bell rang ad by now no one was in the halls. I started breathing heavily because I had absolutely know idea where I was. I was about to take a corner when I bump into someone or something. What ever I bumped into was like walking into a wall. I got knocked to the floor and rest up on my arms. "Owe" I said rubbing my head. "Oh my god are you okay !? I'm so sorry" the boy said reaching down to help me up. Once I got up I looked up at the boy and started at the boy. He's gorgeous. His perfect tan skin and dark hair. He perfect big brown eyes and oh my his crooked jaw is perfect. He's over .....HOT :)

"It's okay " I smiled still holding his hand . "Um do you need... help " he looked at me. I snapped back into reality and hank' my hand out from his. "Uh yea-yes please" I said as we started walking to my class.


We stopped at my class room door and looked at each other. "We'll hear you are." The boy said. "I guess so "I said. " I'll be right hear when class ends to walk you to your next class". HE said "Aw thanks .... uh " "Scott" he said. "Well thank you Scott ". I replied " here's my number , if you want to call me some time " He said winking " I will" I said simply walking into my classroom.

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