Preference #6

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First kiss :

Scott : I grabbed my books out of my locker and grabbed my books for my next class. I shut my locker and turned to the right to see my boyfriend of 4 months ,Scott.

"Hey Scott" I grinned and looked up at him

"Hey beautiful ". Scott said and smiled back at me. We just stared at each other for a minute or two... I just got lost in those perfect big brown eyes. I suddenly realized that I had to get to class.

"Oh shoot I have to get to class Scott!! "

"Wait I have something for you "

"What !!" I said with excitement

"Close your eyes and count to three and open your eyes ". I smiled and slowly closing my eyes, my smile never leaving my face.

"One " I said

"Two". I said

"Three". Scott said. I opened my eyes and felt Scott's hands cupped my face.

"What's my supris--" I started but Scott cut me off

"This." Scott said and leaned in and softly placed his lips onto mine. I instantly kissed back and Scott smiled through the kiss. We pulled away to catch our breath. Scott smiled at me and I smiled back

"Okay now I really need to get to class " I said and we laughed. Scott leaned in again and I put my hand on his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Okay bye " I said after I pulled away and started walking away smiling.

Stiles :

You and stiles were walking through the hallway are

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