Preference #14

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He teaches you how to play lacrosse :

"Then you pull back ,aim and shoot" Liam said motioning toward the goal and trying to show me how to do it.
"This is too hard " I said being stubborn
"Just try " Liam said being patient.
"I suck"
"How do you know you suck if you haven't even tried to throw the ball"
"Liam this is your game not mine " We were both grow impatient and I was getting angry.
"[Y/N] just try "
"Ugh Liam I --" he cut me off
"Just try" Liam said straight forward
"But I-" he cut me off .. again
"Try" he said again staring at me then to the goal.
"Ugh " I was so frustrated I held the stick in a very tight grip and threw the ball as hard as I could at the goal.
"Woah" Liam started as we both watched the ball and it honestly looked like it was about to go in. But it hit the rim of the net.
"Nope ! That's it I'm done " I said and dropped the stick and picked up my book bag and and started walking off the field.
"I'll stick to basketball " I said waving off. Liam stated laughing and pick up this lacrosse gear and joined me.
"So you ready for tomorrow 😏" Liam said... I laughed.


Scott ::

As we all know Scott McCall is one of the best players on the beacon hills lacrosse team.  And when he's your boyfriend it opens up a lot of opportunities to have him teach you how to play. 
"Ok [Y/N] now once you have the ball in your net, you have to jog the stick in you hand a bit and hold it like this and then you run to the goal and make the shot. Ok ? You got it ! "

"Yeah! Let's do it " I say ready to lick scotts ass at lacrosse.

I run with the stick in my hand and buzz-line to the net. I stop and shoot the ball in the net making a goal !!

"WHOO ! " I yell in excitement.

" You did it babe!" scott said

"Did you ever doubt me " I smiled

"yeah..." scott said

"heyyy!" I said lightly pushing his arm with my arm.

"Kidding" scott said laughing.

"How about another game?" I asked

"Lets do it" Scott grinned " and Im not going easy on you this time"

"Im not worried" I smiled



Stiles and I where walking through the halls talking about random stuff since it was our free period. The conversation was going nice until it took a turn.

" [Y/N] do you want to go and play lacrosse with me ? I need to practice my plays and I can teach you how to play! Come o it will be super fun! Please [Y/N/N] (your nick name).


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