Personal Imagine for - scottmcallme

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Maggie's POV
I walked into the library to get a new book. I searched around the aisles of the school library, I finally reached a shelf that was eye level and finally found the book I was looking for and almost grabbed it and someone snatched it from the other side.
"Hey!!" I started and I looked into the mans eyes and saw my boyfriend Derek.
"DEREK !! " I whispered/ yelled and smiled we both made our way to the the end of the aisle.
"Hey baby " Derek said leaning in to kiss me. I dodged the kiss and tried to grab my book.
"Give me ..." I said reaching for the book.
"Ah, ah , ah " he said raising the book higher.
"Give me a kiss first.. then you can have your book. " Derek said. I gave in and grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. Derek kissed back immediately and I secretly reached up for my book and ripped it out of his hand.
"Thank you " I sang and walked toward check out.
"Hey babe aren't you coming over to my place " he said
"Sorry , I have field hockey. Call me " you winked at him , leaving him laughing and smiling at you. Gosh he so darn cute ❤️

Sorry it took so long ...


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