Prefrenece #8

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You see a spider :

Scott :

"SCOTTT !! HELPPPP ME !" I SHOUTED. as Scott busted through the door. "[Y/N] what's wrong ? " Scott said "SPIDERRRR" I screamed as I ran to Scott. Scott laughed "I'll kill it okay ? " "Okay.

Stiles :

"Hey stiles I was wondering if you wanted ---- AGGHH SPIDER .. KILL IT !!AHHHHHH"

"OKAY CLAM DOWN ILL KILL IT" stiles said , killed it and kissed me

Liam :

"Put this movie in " Liam said "okay" I simply replied and walked calmly over to the DVD player. As I DVD player was opening I looked over to see a giant spider crawling over my finger. I out a piercing loud scream causing liam to jump in his seat. "What !! what's wrong " he asked as I'm still screaming a shaking and bouncing very where. "SPIDERRRRRRR" I yell as he laughs and I jump into his arms.

Derek :

"Derek ! Derek Derek Derek Derek help me " I shouted. "What "he called out. "Come kill this spider PLEASEEEE " I did my puppy dog eyes.

"Okayyy " Derek dragged and comes helped me. "Thank you " I said and smirked

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