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A/n: Tw panic attacks other stuff that I'm not sure how to mention. In advanced I usually don't write stuff like this if it's a bad representation tell me if I did something wrong tell me if you don't like it tell me and I believe this will go on in the next chapter too.


"Well no because Cheryl kept on asking questions about Polly I mean before I left but at the same time I get it she hasn't seen Jason in weeks. They haven't even found his body" I said, adding the last part to make Cheryl's story more believable. Me and Betty were waiting for Jug and Archie to get here and it took a lot longer than I thought it would have. "Oh hey" Betty said, pointing the boys out. I smiled facing my brother. Whom of which the last time I'd seen had been holding me back from making a mistake. Quite literally. We talked on and on. Sipping my strawberry milkshake leaning into my brother's shoulder. I was exhausted after today and all I wanted to do was sleep. I felt my phone buzz. Well all of our phones buzzed even the other kids our age. I opened my phone reading the Riverdale news alert. My throat closed and I couldn't breathe or comprehend. I couldn't think I could barely move. "Jason Blossoms body found in Sweetwater River" I was no longer tired. My head off of my brother with my eyes widened. "Hey" Jug said. His voice was faint. "I c...c...can't breathe" I stuttered. I tried to swallow air, I tried to think. But the only thing that mattered in that moment was that Jason didn't make it. Cheryl said he did. Cheryl promised she watched him. "Archie-" everything else that came out of anyone's mouths was blurred. Warped into a language I couldn't understand. I closed my eyes. Hoping it was fake news. Jason wasn't dead. Cheryl… Cheryl needs me. I told her I'd come over tonight. I opened my eyes slightly, my eyes being hit with bright lights. "Where am I?" I tried to say to no avail. "Patient is responsive," someone said. The voices were still disoriented not as much as at Pops. "Jenna you're being taken to Riverdale General Hospital you passed out after having a panic attack" a lady said. I tried to say something but was stopped. "Don't try to talk, you have an oxygen mask on" she said. I had a panic attack? I had almost forgotten why. I Almost forgot my best friend was dead. He was actually dead? I wanted to scream or cry or both. I wanted revenge. Polly probably didn't even know wherever she was. Polly's baby didn't have a dad now. The ambulance arrived at the hospital but I was fine so why did they have the sirens on why did they think I was a life that needed to be saved. I tried to move my arms in order to sit up. But I couldn't. They were strapped down to the stretcher. Was I on suicide watch? "It's going to take time for her to adjust just make sure she's not dying or dead" the girl spoke again taking the oxygen mask off my face. My stretcher was put on a hospital bed which was more comfortable then what I was previously on. I could already hear what Reggie and guys like Chuck would say. "Co queen on suicide watch" that would be great for my dad to hear. I wasn't surprised when my brother and father came in. I was surprised however when my father was allowing the hospital to give me drugs. Which I forcibly declined. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be in my bed looking at my old photos of Jason and Polly. "Jug tell him I'm fine" I mumbled. He looked at our father and shook his head looking back at me. "No you didn't see you. You didn't see your phone fall to the ground. Or hear the bloodcurdling scream you let out" he said. I could feel me losing myself. Falling into the hospital's bed sheets. "Ok" I responded to Jug. I didn't agree with him but it was too late anyways my father had already signed a form or something saying they could and I was already hooked up to an I.V.

Riverdale - Jenna JonesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя