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Forcing myself to turn away from him and leave. Although it seemed when I exited the classroom Reggie Mantle couldn't stop himself. It's almost as if he was waiting for me to come out. I mean ever since he found out I was a serpent he would make my life a living hell.

"Yo Jenna what's a pretty girl like you doing without protection" a jock said mocking me.

"Not in the mood Reggie" I huffed as I was stopped by him.

His tall frame blocked my small body a lot. I knew if he was to fight me again he would make sure I suffered.

"So you bring your friends over here to waste my time because guess what I don't have my brother or Archie by my side? Is that it?" I pointed my finger into his chest.

"Cause they aren't the ones you should be afraid of." 

He smirked.

"Feisty Jenna. I like it. Glad you still have that spirit after everything with your father" he said.

I was not going to cry. Not over something he said.

"Reggie Mantle. You are the one and only reason God created the middle finger. Screw off dick"  I flipped him off and tried to get past him.

He grabbed my wrist and I winced at the sudden pressure.

"Don't fucking touch me you asshole" I muttered.

Between being in a class full of people staring at me and this I would take the classroom every day. I was shoved to the ground. The immediate pain of being thrown came quickly. My stomach would bruise.

"You'll definitely be feeling that in the morning".

Him and his squad snickered at me. Little did he know as soon as I stood up I had a good right hook that was coming right towards his already crooked jaw.

"Yeah I fight like a girl try to get on my level dickhead"

he wasn't expecting my hit and his lip was now cut by the sudden impact.

"Jennifer Jones to the office immediately" Weatherbee said over the intercom.

Good, just the thing I needed. I flipped Reggie and his group off and headed towards Weatherbee's office. Now that the adrenaline of the fight died down I could feel my ribs aching as well as a bruise forming on my wrist.

"Mr Weatherbee. What can I do for you sir?"

I was already on his bad side so I didn't see any reason to further his beliefs about me.

"Ms. Jones, please welcome sit down. You see, you haven't been to cheerleading practice for 2 months. I get that things have been really hard for you so I'm giving you leniency but if you miss any more practices or games I am required to terminate your position on the squad" Weather bee said and I nodded.

"Understood I'll be there tomorrow night sir." I said.

He was right I would either have to quit or go because it wasn't doing anyone any good hanging in the air like that. The one time I will ever thank our principal for something. Considering he got me out of a fight I was going to lose I was thankful. I lifted my head and walked out of Weatherbee's office going to biology, my first class of the day. 


A/n: there ya go peeps. I literally hated Reggie the first few seasons but don't worry character development and a back story will come soon.

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