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A/n: super super sorry for not writing in this book since April. School's about to end so my life is just in shreds right now as I was trying to finish finals. Literally need to deep clean after school is out because I've lived in my room that's trashed for two months.

Enjoy this chapter. I can't make any promises on when another chapter may come out. I do know I'm going to Seattle this weekend and probably won't be posting soon.


"What?" I asked.

"No he can't be," I said this was all my fault.

Someone framed him.  Someone framed him for Jason's murder because I was asking too many questions. I pushed past Jughead and Archie and Betty going outside. The red wooden door was open and I booked it into the rain. I needed to be cold. I couldn't think it was too hot, too much of a sensory overload. Raindrops poured from the sky without hesitating. This wasn't a sprinkle of rain, it was a downfall. I sat against the wall crying. I realized what this meant for him. He wasn't coming back. Not for a long time anyways. With that final thought I cried until the world seemed to slow and my eyes closed. I only woke up to someone bringing me inside.

"Come on Jenna I got you" Fangs said.

Something about the pouring rain was calming. Now it had stopped and the sound of water dripping off the roof comforted me. Considering I was practically an orphan now I only had Jug. I was still beyond angry at my twin but I couldn't be mad forever. I still went to school the next day. People whispered and the halls of Riverdale high were filled to the brim with rumors. Some said I killed Jason because he didn't like I was in the serpent's. Others said I did it because I was jealous. Some even believed my own father actually did it. One thing was clear to the students. Stay clear of the Jones'. That wouldn't be hard for Jug but for me? The queen of Riverdale. I had fallen from power. The school was corrupt, Riverdale was corrupt and most importantly the people were corrupt. I waited by my locker which no longer had the notes on it, for Archie or my brother. Instead I got a phone call from V.

"Hey, what's up?" I said.

She never called me in the morning.

"Is she in?" Betty asked from her line

"I think we all are what's up V" Archie said.

I laughed because we hadn't done calls like this in a while.

"My dad is back in town," she said.

"I mean after blackmailing me to testify on his behalf and threatening my mom I can't even look at him the same" she said.

"Woah your dad's back?" I said.

She sighed following with a yeah. Nobody had ever met Hiram Lodge besides our parents to which all of them said to stay away from the lodges. If anything I was kinda excited to meet V's dad.

"Anyways, why don't you guys come over tonight? To meet him and we haven't had a hang out for a while" she said.

Although I'm sure her and Archie have met up a few times recently.

"Jug, can I go to Vee'e?" I asked my brother jokingly.

I no longer had to ask my father for permission to go over to Veronicas so I asked the only family that hadn't left me. He laughed before answering.

"Just no boys," he said in a faux accent.

"Definitely something dad would say" I laughed.

"I'll see you guys in biology and V in Math" I said.

I would get done with the day and go to V's with hopefully no complications. When I walked into my home room almost everyone stopped talking. The only reason I came in here was to see what we did yesterday considering my dad pulled me from school early.

"Mr. Laney. I was wondering if there was any work I needed to do from yesterday" I said, looking at the floor.

Mr Laney looked up from the files he was looking at.

"Your work was excused for the day under the circumstances that happened yesterday"

Keep calm I told myself. I was sick and tired of bastards telling me my father was guilty. He was just another one of them. The kids who went still around me were just like him and the rest of this school. I scoffed, refusing to make a scene.

Riverdale - Jenna JonesWhere stories live. Discover now