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"What if we changed their robes to red and gold again?"

"C'mon Petey, been there, done that. We need something better, shocking."

"Right Prongs! Which is why I think my expertise may be of use. You see, there's this spell I found in the restricted section-"

"Dark magic! Moony! We can't!"

"It's not dark magic, Wormtail. But there is most definetly a reason it was in the restricted section," Remus's features turned into a devilish grin, "You see, it turns their robes invisible."

"Oh my Godric! We have to! Just wait till Padfoot-"

"Oh... hey..."

Sirius closed the door behind him. An apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted. I thought you would all choose Reg over me, which I know is ridiculous because Moony even said he was doing it for me... I just... I don't know."

"We understand Padfoot. Now come over here and give us all a hug, you absolute baffoon!" James called out, tackling Sirius in a hug, the others joining soon after.

Once things had settled, James and Peter began playing a game of exploding snap and Remus and Sirius sat on Remus's bed.

"Regulus hasn't always been like this you know," Sirius couldn't look Remus in the eye. "When we were kids, he was so light. He was happy and free." Sirius struggled to hold back tears. "I always got the brunt of it all, from our parents. But after I left I guess- I just blame myself."

"He's still all those things you know. He's goofy, dorky, and probably the smartest person I know. He kind of reminds me of James, you know. That same stupid smile whenever he's getting up to something. In another world I think they would of been really close."

"Now, don't give me ideas Moony."

Moony. He was back.


"So, you and Pads, hey?" James asked, hopefully. He was most definitely rooting for them.

"It's not like that." Remus squeaked out nervously.

"But you want it to be." James said in a lilting tone as if to tease the boy.

"And what if I do? Not like he'd be interested." Remus tugged at the hem of his jumper nervously, scolding himself for revealing his feelings to James.

"Wait, you're serious?" James asked, slightly shocked. He had suspected it, but never thought Remus would outright say it. Realizing James's shock, Remus turned on his heel, scoffing, feeling his face warm up and his eyes well with tears."Wait Moony! Wait!"

"I get it James, it's weird."

"No, not at all what I meant!" Remus turned back around, a sense of relief washing over him. "How did you know?"

"How did I know what?" Remus asked, slightly confused as to what James was asking.

"That you liked boys."

Remus could breathe. He walked back over to join James and continued their walk.

"I guess I kind of always knew."


After his discussion with Remus, James was confused to say the least and he had to do something about it. James did not like being confused.

Before joining the rest of the Marauders at their usual spot at the table, James ran down Marlene, Dorcas, and Lily.

"Why hello there my beautiful Lily Pad." James said in an overly dramatic manner, bowing to the girl.

"Hello James." Lily said, hiding her blush.

"Say, you and me, Hogsmeade this weekend?" James asked, expecting her usual response of calling him an arrogant toe rag and hexing him.



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