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To say the date was a train wreck would be an understatement. Every move made by Lily was immediately shut down by James causing the red head to become rather frustrated. James wanted to give her a chance, he really did, after all, he really thought he loved her for all those years, but now his thoughts are far too occupied with a certain brown curly haired boy to even think about dating who he previously thought was the love of his life. 

"Are you even listening to me James?"


""Godric! Do you even like me? You've been acting like an absolute prick all afternoon," the girl grew red in the face, "I don't know what changed James Potter but now you can't even look at me and I hate it. It's making me hate you. You spend years of your life chasing after me with stupid pranks and embarrassing gestures and when I finally have feelings for you, you can't even be bothered to look me in the eye! You arrogant toe-rag!" Lily yelled at the boy, hoping to get her message through is apparently extremely thick skull.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say," James whispered out apologetically.

Lily's look of anger turned to one of sadness.

"Is there someone else? It's probably Mary isn't it. Of course! Why wouldn't it be! She's so kind and beautiful and everything I'm not-" Lily rambled

"Lily don't you dare say that," James said in a strict tone, "I think, there's someone else, just not in that way? If that makes any sense."

"What... do you mean?"

"I don't think I have feelings for them, at least I'm pretty sure. I'm confused. I want to spend time with them, like all the time. And he's so smart,"

"He?" Lily cut in.

'Who could it be? Sirius? Remus? Heaven forbid its Peter.' She thought.

"Have you heard him talk about astronomy? Merlin, he get's the happiest look on his face. And the way he takes his coffee with so much sugar there may as well be no coffee at all. Or the ink smears on his face from him falling asleep on his notes. And have I mentioned his quidditch skills? Or the goofy grin he gets on his face when he makes a cheeky comment," James went on, a smile wide on his face, a blush evident on his cheeks, "But we're friends so why would I be distracted by him when I'm with you?"

"Oh James, you like him."

"Who? Regulus? No," James spoke, his voice cracking nervously as his squinted his eyes. 

Lily watched him as he thought through what he had just said, as if he was putting the pieces together his face turning stark white and his eyes grew wide.

"Holy shit. I have a crush on Regulus Black."

"You fucking what?"

James whipped around to see who had yelled.

Yup, he was fucked.

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