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"I have a date... with Lily Evans," James panicked, "Oh Merlin, what have I done! I am gonna screw it up. What if I say the wrong thing! Or what if I smell weird and she never talks to me again! What if-"

"Prongs, I love you, but you are bonkers mate! She wouldn't have said yes if she thought you smell weird."

"But Pads!"

"No buts! You will be fine. Just follow your plan. Go to the Three Broomsticks, buy her some butterbeer and take her to Honeydukes and buy her what ever she wants. You got this Prongs."

"You're right." James let out a heavy breath.

"I got this."



Lily let out a dry cough, her eyes skittering around the familiar environment of the Three Broomsticks, hoping to find anything to spark conversation.


James picked at the skin around his nails.

"This is incredibly awkward, I'm sorry James. I just-" Lily sputtered over her words, "I just really like you and I'm terrified I'm going to screw this up and I-"

"You... like me?"

James's eyes shot up from his hands.

"Well obviously. Otherwise, why would I be here?"

James sat stunned, a butterbeer moustache resting on his lip.

"Oh my Godric, you absolute dunce."

"Holy shit. Lily Evans just admitted she likes me."

James was shocked to say the least. He spent years pining. And now? She finally felt the same way. He thought this day would never come.

Lily sat across from James, possibly blushing harder than she ever had before.

"Excuse me, I need a moment, I ah- I just, I-" James stood up, grabbing his coat, ready to race out of the Three Broomsticks out of pure excitement and panic.

"Oh shut up James."

Lily popped up and grabbed James's hand, which was slightly clammy due to nerves. His face was white and his eyes were wide but somehow she thought he had never looked more adorable. In a moment of pure Gryffindor courage, Lily shuffled closer to James, stood on her toes, and pressed a light kiss to his lips.

After a moment or two, James pulled away, a conflicted look on his face and said, "I need to go."

Apologies for this extremely short update but I've been crazy busy :/

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