|♢| Chapter 30 |♢| Church Bells Cry

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Everything seems to go in slow motion for Sherlock which wouldn't be a rare thing if inside his Mind Palace, but this is the real world. He puts his hand up, although, he isn't sure if it's to helplessly reach for the gun again or to fruitlessly block the bullet as a gunshot rings out throughout the church like thunder, shaking the walls and echoing in everyone's ears


Sherlock flinches at the terrible sound which is loud enough to make his ears ring and his heart skip a beat of terror. His eyes had snapped shut almost subconsciously, opening again reluctantly while half expecting to be greeted by darkness, but alas, that's not the case.

Instead, Sherlock watches in shock as Apollo's own features melt into the same emotion. His mouth trembles open yet the only sound to come through is one similar to a gurgled gasp as he wobbles with unstable legs until they finally give out from under him, causing him to collapse to the ground and leave Sherlock's line of sight clear to you.

You stand mere feet away with arms raised and pointed towards where Apollo once stood, Sherlock's gun grasped tightly in your hands. You falter once exhaling which forces you to lean against the wall for support, your expression a mix of both relief and horror at the realization of what you've just done.

It takes even Sherlock a moment to process the events that had unfolded within mere seconds. He spares a single glance at Apollo who lies on his stomach with barely any motion aside from the slight shaking of his body as he chokes on both his own painful breaths and bloody saliva, the wound in his chest gushing at an alarming rate.

The sight of the red liquid snaps the detective out of it, his first action being to grab the gun and stuff it in his coat pocket before sprinting over to you or tries to at least. Due to the piercing pain in his own abdomen, he only makes it a short distant before falling to his knees, having to drag himself up right at your side.

By that time, you've already slide down the wall, one hand placed over your mouth while the other refuses to drop the weapon within your grasp. You're taking deep breath as if you've just ran a marathon, your eyes slowly filling with tears, yet your state of shock is interrupted when Sherlock immediately places his hands over your cheeks. It's an action you return after finally dropping your weapon.

You whimper his name, your eyes searching his face as he nods, taking deep breaths himself with teary eyes," I...I'm here...Everything's okay."

He finds himself repeating those words even when your arms wrap tightly around his shoulders, pulling the two of you together as you cry into his coat. He leans back, taking you with him so that he can begin rocking you while staring up at the ceiling. Letting everything sink in, he squeezes his eyes shut, pressing dozens of kisses to your forehead with his hand entangling in your hair. At that point, the only sound within that quiet church is a combination between your muffled sobs and his own shaky breaths. 


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