Anylasis: Do Not Engage

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The Wyrm Rot Parasite is a danger to all living life. There are three stages of infection. And two different variations.

The first one is the Wyrm infection. It starts off when one has a regular parasite find it's way inside them. This can be done via ingestion or injection. The parasites are able to infect other people via stabbing, kissing, or intercourse. The stages are as follows.

1.initial infection: not much happens here as the parasite is new to the host and needs to grow. The most notable changes are under the surface. The infected person's blood will become thicker and will become darker. The victims teeth will also sharpen to a razor. At this point, euthanization is the best option, because there is no known way to remove the parasite. The person will seem more energetic and health conditions may improve drastically, as well as wounds that would normally take weeks or even months to heal, heal instantly.

2. Wyrm Root: this stage is where the person begins to change, this usually take around 18 months to occured, however, it changes a person drastically, altering their physical strength and resistance. Their skin becomes pale and they begin to experience headaches. A month after this stage begins, the individual is connected to the hivemind, however, the parasite will communicate with the host. Host retain control over their bodies the entire time they are infected. The parasites main goal is to allow for the host to survive long enough for it to mature. It is during this stage that a growth called, "Wyrm Root" begins to form inside of the individuals muscle mass, eventually wrapping around the muscles in order to protect them and increase the strength. This occured through out the body. The host will begin to feel light, and the parasite will begin to use Wyrm Root to feed the hosts body. Unless Wyrm Root is introduced to the body by the parasite, attempting to eat it will result in extreme organ failure. The healing rate of wounds is tripled compared to what it was in the beginning, making limb regeneration possible. It has been found that if a limb is recreated by the parasite, it is no longer made of human muscle mass, and is instead created using, "Wyrm Tissue" a white substance that acts as muscle but is not made from the hosts DNA. Wyrm Root has a yellowish glow to it.

3. Wyrm Root Mass: this stage is rare to reach for normal parasites. The parasite is able to keep the host alive fore thousands of years, but the host being in control usually leads to death before the goal is reached. The person must be infected for at least a hundred years before this change happens, and even then it is not immediate. At this point, the host must die to activate this stage. Upon death, the parasite will use the accumulated Wyrm Root to become what is known as a Mimic. These creatures are able to recreate anything they see, and are made up almost entirely off Wyrm Tissue and Wyrm Root. They are extremely hard to kill, however, they appear to be vulnerable to certain poisons. If one were to inject a poison into the mass, it would cause the body to decay rapidly, exposing the parasite and allowing the attacker a chance to kill it.

The second infection type is the Kings Infection. If one were to be infected by the king parasite, they would have drastically different symptoms. The king is in full control of the parasites growth cycle, able to make it grow extremely fast. The down side to this is the process is extremely painful and usually results in death after thirty seconds. However, the growth process only takes twenty five seconds. The king is extremely dangerous, having been around for millions of years. The king is considered unkillable since the poison method doesn't work and physical attacks have no effect. If engaged by the king, it is highly advised to beg for your life or attempt to run. Fighting has never worked. Along with these parasite types is parasitic plant life created from Wyrm Root. These are known as Wyrm Trees. They act as a sort of transport, able to take parasites to any point in the world and are extremely resilient. They act as breeding grounds for parasites and are relatively docile unless provoked. Touching the plants does not provoke a reaction but attempting to dig the plant up will cause it to send out a distress signal, at which point Wyrm Masses will show up to defend the tree. If needed, the tree will defend itself, striking any that come near. It is ill advised to attempt to attack or unearth a tree as they are able to use their bodies as hammers.

There is also what is known as a behemoth, an organism that comes from a large group of Wyrm Masses being immobile for around thirty years. The behemoth is a large organism made up of Wyrm Root and it is controlled by multiple parasites, making killing it extremely hard, however, the behemoth is vulnerable to fire and freezing temperatures. The behemoth is able to disassemble itself in order to cause more chaos.

The most deadly of parasite forms are those that are called, "Harbingers". These are parasites created by the king who have matured and are able to Mimic people AND their voices. These work as spies and are very effective at crushing governments. They have the same weakness as normal infections but a key difference being that the decay is much slower, usually taking about ten to fifteen minutes to reveal the parasite. These parasites are also able to make light refract around their bodies, effectively removing them from the visible spectrum.

The parasites have hive leaders, which are chosen by the king himself. The king has a right hand man, known as Osiris. The only known pictures of the king and Osiris are stored on this report.

King Orion:


This concludes the Wyrm Rot Parasite study report.

Live, Breathe, Die -B.U.N.K.E.R

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