Chapter 4: Assassination

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I was waiting for the car to arrive. Me and my fellow White Masks we're geared up for this next move. It had been explained that we needed to kill a specific woman. Sienna Khan. We were going to show up in a car, park outside, and wait for her to arrive at the meeting place. She had been contacted by Adam Taurus and told to meet him here. When we confirmed it was her, they would blow up their vehicle. If she somehow survived, we were to hunt her down and move to their extraction point. If we failed, they were going to have future problems. There were people moving throughout the surrounding area, oblivious to the very real threat that was about to make it's move.

The car pulled up and we got in, ready to make our move. We drove for a few minutes until we arrived outside the building. We got out with our duffle bags and walked across the street. We walked inside a nearby building and changed into our gear. I put my mask on and loaded my weapon. I moved to a nearby window and looked down on the street. I could see a man in a hoodie watching the building as well.

A few cars pulled up and the man contacted us on the radio.

Man: target confirmed.

I watched tiger faunus get out of one of the cars and walk towards the building. Suddenly, the car exploded, killing anyone within a few feet of it.

The smoke cleared and I saw that our target was still alive. A man to my left pressed the transmit button on his radio.

Man: target is still alive, open fire.

Gunfire erupted as we sprayed down onto the unsuspecting body guards. The girl managed to get inside.

Man: Cobalt, take the chase team and hunt her down.

I turned at my name.

Cobalt: yes sir.

I grabbed the chase team and we ran out of the building, people were screaming as they saw our masks. I heard police sirens in the distance but ignored it. As we ran up to the building, we gunned down any guards we saw. We stacked up on the sides of the double doors. I tossed a Molotov into the room and heard screaming. I nodded my head at the guy across from me and we kicked the door in. We shot anyone we saw. as we ran through, we met heavy resistance from the White Fang members.

This raid was meant to empower a certain individual. Someone who could help our goal. A shotgun went off and one of the members of my team dropped to the floor.

I shot the man and continued on. We finally made it to a blocked up door. I placed a new explosive on it, this explosive folded up for storage and was used to breach walls and doors. We stood back as the charge went off. Rushing in, I dropped two more men before I was engaged by a semblance user. He dodged around my knife until I cut his arm, deep. He dropped his weapon and I drew my side arm. Pulling the trigger, the aura user fell backwards, a hole in his head.

I walked towards Sienna Khan, who had been restrained by more White Masks. I pointed my gun at her head before getting an idea.

Cobalt: get her up, we're taking her with us.

WM (White Mask): but sir-

Cobalt: she could have useful information.

WM: yes sir.

We began to walk out of the building but found police were nearby. Suddenly, an explosion sounded nearby and a hole appeared in the floor. I turned back to the street and saw yellow gas spreading through the street.

A white mask in a hazmat suit appeared from the hole.

WM:what the hell? She's supposed to be dead.

Cobalt: she could have value as intelligence.

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