Chapter 9: Farewells

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Adam's POV:

Those bastards, they betrayed us! Wait till Cinder hears about this. When I get my hands on that Orion-

A large explosion happened Infront of me, sending me flying backwards. When I landed I looked up and felt a shiver run up my spine. Standing on top a stone pillar was a man in all black, he had long horns and grey skin. He slowly stood up.

I remember his name, Verm

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I remember his name, Verm.

Verm: so, what have we here? A coward running away from a fight?

Adam: as if you would know, traitor!

Verm: I'm sure you know all about betrayal.

Adam: wait till Cinder hears about this.

Verm just laughed.

Verm: enough talk, now, you die.

He jumped incredibly high into the air, I barely had time to react to a large sword he had thrown. He landed next to it and pulled it out of the ground.

He rushed me and I was able to pull out my weapon and block it, but he cut straight through my defense... And my arm.

I was shocked, I had never felt pain like this before. When I looked back up, he was standing right Infront of me.

Adam: shit.

And then his blade found its way into my stomach. I keeled over and looked up at him.

Verm: pity, you were supposed to be powerful. I guess Sienna was right.

I closed my eyes and let my final breath echo.

3rd POV:

Verm was walking back to where the others where when he heard fighting. He grew a sinister smile and walked over to where it was. He saw a bunny girl and a girl in a beret fighting with a group of White Fang.

WF: give up! Your out numbered!


Coco: don't worry Velvet, we can take em.

Verm grew an idea. As a White Fang member raised his gun towards them, Verm appeared in front of him, his hand through his chest.

Verm turned and used the body as a sheild, to hide from incoming gunfire. He threw the corpse into the crowd and ran after it. He jumped up and kicked a White Fang member in the head, snapping his neck. He threw his sword at another Faunus and let it impale three of them.

He turned around when he felt a bullet hit him. He looked at the person who had just shot him, and he grew a sadistic grin.

Verm: oh look, a hero. I'll take my time with you...

A loud explosion echoed out and Verm heard Orion in his head.

Orion: Verm, we need you to help with the evacuation. Find two girls, Coco and Velvet.

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