Chapter 5: Business

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No one's POV:

Cinder had heard rumors about the White Masks next move, so she went where it was supposed to be. Vale. She walked around the city, her two friends in tow, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai.

As they walked into the outskirts of the city, Cinder noticed something. A man carrying a black bag, now, normally this wouldn't stand out. But this man wore a white mask. He walked into an alley way and Cinder leaned over to Emerald.

Cinder: hide us.

Emerald did what she was asked and used her semblance to hide them. Cinder and her group followed the man into the alley but were met with a brick wall.

Emerald: where did he go?

Cinder: interesting. It seems he saw us.

???: Indeed he did.

Cinder turned around and saw a girl in a black dog mask. Her eyes were glowing red and she was dressed in all black.

???: The only people who follow someone with the mask are trying to get in. Don't worry about asking. Just go back to your house and wait.

Cinder: how do I know you won't just blow us off? And how can you see us if we're in an illusion?

???: It isn't hard to see past illusions.

The girl jumped up on to the roof of a nearby building. Then she was gone, as fast as she came.

Cinder: I suppose we can only do as told.

They walked out of the alley and made their way back to a hotel they were staying in. As they walked up to their room door, Cinder noticed a box on the ground outside the room. She looked around before grabbing the box and taking it inside.

Cinder: lock the door.

Mercury locked the door and turned back to Cinder.

Mercury: what is it?

Cinder opened the box to reveal three white masks, a black jacket, and a note.

"Associate of Roman Torchwick, we will allow you to speak with our leader, however, you must abide by certain rules, I'm sure you can understand. Go to the cafe near from dust till dawn tomorrow -The White Masks"

Cinder: they knew we were here. This whole time, they've been studying us.

Emerald: impossible, no one could go that long without being noticed.

Cinder: well they did. We're going to meet them tomorrow, and I think this will be interesting.


Cinder walked into the cafe with her lackeys, and she instantly spotted what looked like body guards. They didn't look like they were body guards but Cinder could see the faint outline of guns underneath their shirts.

A man in a yellow jacket walked up to them.

Man: So your who has been trying to meet with me.

Cinder: your the one?

Orion: yes, my name is Orion, come, we shall continue this in private.

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