Chapter 2: Raney

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3rd POV:

The three made their way to a nearby dock, it was small, but there were a few transport ships. One of them was named the Casenova. It was leaving soon, so they hurried along, barely making it to the boarding area.

Uko: are you guys still selling passes?!

Employee: your lucky, we were just about to close.

Fenrir: I'll take three passes to Vale.

Employee: alright then.

He stamps some passes and hands them over. Uko thanks him and they run off to the ship.

They make it on board and hand over their passes, making sure they have everything they brought... Which was pretty much nothing.


Orion: hey look, all I'm saying is, I find it funny that you people have Lazer guns and shit but can't make it to space. It's a little iro-oof.

Orion bumped into someone, knocking them over.

Orion: shit, sor-

He was hit in the face and simply fell backwards. He simply lay there, not moving. Staring at the sky.

Orion: this place sucks.....

???: Asshole! Why did you push me over huh?! Is it cause I'm a faunus?!

Orion: more like your too damn short to see.

???:why you-

Suddenly a gunshot went off. Orion looked over to see Fenrir with a revolver in her hand, glaring at them both.

Fenrir: Orion will you get up? For someone who is supposed to be over a thousand years old, you act pretty immature...

Orion: fuck you too.

Fenrir: and you, I don't know who you are but you should really consider the circumstances before you make a rash decision.

???: And why is that?

Uko: because if he wanted to, I'm sure he could have with stood your punch, and he most likely could destroy this entire ship if he wanted.

Now Orion stood up, Uko was talking to much. She was saying things that shouldn't be said.

Orion: Uko, shut up, your saying too much.

Uko: sorry.

???: what do you mean by that?

Fenrir: we aren't speaking any further until we know your name.

Orion looked over to see, a girl. She had white hair that seemed to have a slight pink tint. She wore a dark red shirt and a light pink jacket. She also had a pair of wolf ears and a wolf tail. She had pink eyes and wore a choker around her neck with a sort of circle on it.

 She had pink eyes and wore a choker around her neck with a sort of circle on it

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