Chapter 1: Savior

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Orion's POV:

We stood in the town square, near a fountain that had a very grand statue of a man on it. He held a sword up in the air for all to see, as if to say, "I am great" as if it matters. In the small amount of time since being infected, Fenrir had grown younger. She now resembled a young seventeen year old.

I jumped up on to the statue, my plan simple. Convince them to submit using religion. It always worked. As I stood up to my full height, I watched a news report appear on a nearby TV.

Reporter: we have some breaking news here, there appears to have been some sort of explosion in the city of Vale. Grimm are pouring into the city as police and huntsman try to fight them back.

I smiled, this was perfect, a shocking event made people want safety even more.


This gathered some people's attention. And people from farther away gathered to see what the commotion was about.

Orion: I know we are in trying times, as is evident by the current events in Vale. but our lord will deliver us darkness, he will make us whole, he can prevent wars and protect us from the monsters in the dark.

???: And what is your lord's name?

Orion: our lord is Orion, a god who walks amongst men and women. He protects children and destroys those who would wish harm to his followers. But be prepared to make sacrifices for him, for nothing good comes without sacrifice.

???: What would we have to sacrifice? We have little in the terms of money or resources.

Orion: fear not, Orion does not care about monetary things or what you can give him. No, you will sacrifice a life of ease and pleasure for one of hardship and struggles. But the light at the end is much better than your current reality.

Some people walked of, as is to be expected. Osiris jumped up next to me and dropped his hood. He then removed his gas mask to show pale skin and purple eyes. His long brown hair was down behind him.

Osiris: we ask nothing much of you, but if you simply choose to follow our lord then your lives will change for the better.

Fenrir joined in now.

Fenrir: I know it seems strange, but I saw what was to come. And it is a world without hate, and a world without Grimm.

I could hear whispers from the crowd.

???1: is that Fenrir?

???2: what's she doing with those people?

???3: is she believes it then it must be true, right? She hasn't lied to us before...

Orion: if you wish to follow this path, then step forward. And don't be afraid, the Lord Orion accepts all people.

A girl with fox ears stepped forward.

Girl: even faunus?

Orion: yes, Orion does not discriminate, for he is different than many that he protects.

At this, more people stepped forward, a majority of which had animal traits. There were humans as well, but not as many as the faunus.

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