Chapter 5:~The long road home~

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Emersion gently laid down Elora on a bedroll before laying a blanket over her. Elora's sleep was deep and worrying. Her breathing was very slow and weak too. Emersion sighed deeply. The important thing was that she was going to live. He softly stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry I let this happen to you. Forgive me. Just do not give in!," he begged. Elora then in her sleep squeezed his hand that was holding hers softly. Emersion smiled weakly and gently kissed her hand. Aldon walked over to his father. "Father, you should get some rest. I can watch her," he said and Emersion turned to his son. "Wake me if there's any changes," he explained and Aldon nodded.

Charline stood in the great hall when a guard entered. "My Lady Charline. Emersion and your son has returned with The Queen and Phalo," he explained. Charline exhaled in relief. "Oh, thank Solania," she exclaimed and hurried out of the hall.

Emersion carefully placed Elora in her bed in her chambers and Charline stormed into the chambers and threw herself into her husband's arms and kissed him deeply. Emersion kissed her back and embraced her tightly. "I was so worried," Charline whispered softly. Aldon smiled weakly at his parents and Emersion glanced down at Elora. "She'll be alright," he declared. Charline smiled and nodded weakly.

When Elora woke up next day, she realised she was in her bed in her chambers in Lustillia castle. She tried to sit up as her body screamed in pain. "Ahh!," Elora let out a yelp in pain. "Elora," Emersion's voice rang and Elora looked aside and saw the wizard hurrying over to her side. "Elora, you have to lay down," Charline said softly. Tears started streaming down Elora's cheeks as she continued yelping of the pain in her body. "Shh," Emersion whispered soothingly, "Lay down, my child. It will only grow worse if you move," Elora fell back on the pillow as she continued crying. "Father, it hurts!," she cried. Emersion was surprised by her calling him father. But he understood she meant him as her godfather. He had after all taken much care of her as a child. "Elora," he softly stroked her forehead. "You have to calm down. Breathe. It will make you feel less pain," he declared softly. Charline hurried over to the Elleth. "She's panicking, Emersion," she declared. Elora let out small groans of pain and Emersion held up a potion mixed with water in a bowl and brought it to Elora's lips. "Drink, my child," he instructed soothingly. "Drink, Vynithel," Charline said softly as she softly stroked Elora's forehead. Elora slowly drank the potion and Emersion exhaled softly as Elora started calming down. He took away the bowl once it was empty and Charline softly stroked Elora's forehead. Elora's breathing became slower and normal again. Elora looked up at the wizard. "What happened?," she asked confused. Emersion sighed, "Adrienne captured you. Don't you remember?," he asked worriedly. Elora nodded weakly. "I remember now. She wanted to make me her child," she said weakly. Emersion sighed softly. "Get some sleep now," he instructed, "You're still very weak," Elora nodded and closed her eyes and was soon asleep once again.
Emersion closed the doors to Elora's chambers and Charline sighed. "Emersion, her council is getting impatient," she began, "They want an heir, they want a King to protect their Queen," she declared. Emersion sighed and put his hand on the doors to Elora's chambers. "You know I cannot force her into marriage. We can't. We don't have the rights even though we are her Godparents, she's still our Queen," he explained. Charline sighed, "Emersion, this distance she takes from men will only worsen her fear and you know that. Love is the only way she'll heal," And Emersion looked up at her. "Why are you telling me this now?," he asked confused. Charline sighed, "Emersion, I know you're protected of her after what she endured. But I've looked at Elora's incoming letters. Christiana has said that she's coming to visit in a week. Christiana is Elora's aunt on her mother's side and she promised Shaylee that she would do everything to make sure Elora married," Emersion sighed and looked up at her. "What shall we say to her?," he asked. Charline sighed, "We have to tell her the truth. That without love from another soul she'll never heal," And Emersion sighed deeply.

~The Last Light elf~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang