Chapter 7:~You need love~

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Elora laid in her chambers in her chaise longue, reading when there was a a knock on the doors to her chambers. "Come in," she replied and Emersion entered the chambers and went over to her. "May I sit down?," he asked gently. Elora looked up at him and nodded and changed to sit down in the chaise longue instead and put away her book on the table beside her. Emersion sighed and sat down beside her. "Elora, I'm sorry," he began, "But the council is right. You need love," And Elora looked up at him. "But I have love. From you, my people, Charline, Phalo, my friends," And Emersion sighed and looked up at her sadly. "But that's not the love you need to heal the pain you've been through," he declared, "Our love is what supports you and Charline and I love you as our own daughter. But all elves needs to find their one. The one they want to spend their immortal life with. The one they want to marry and have children with. That's the love you need," he explained and Elora looked down worriedly. "But Emersion, how can I be a true wife if I don't even can bear being touched by him?," And Emersion sighed and pulled her into his arms and held her tightly in his embrace. "If he loves you, he will not force you into anything, he will wait. And love is more than that, Elora. Love is caring, understanding, happiness and trust and truth. The one you marry, is going to heal you," And Elora looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you, Father," Emersion smiled and softly kissed her forehead. "You will find love. I know you will," he whispered softly.

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