Rooftop & Running Late

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Link was randomly walking around the school and found a set of stairs he had never seen before. Being adventurous he made his way up the stairs.

Once at the top he opened the metal door and was greeted by gentle wind. He walked out onto the roof taking in the view. He could see the entire courtyard.

Looking down at the students he looked for familiar people. He first saw Pipit and his girlfriend walking hand and handed causing him to smile. Then he saw the brothers Red seemed calmer then before, and Vio was back to joking around with them. Link looked around more and then he saw Zelda being followed around by that red headed guy from yesterday. He frowned ans practically glared at the guy as he put an arm over Zelda.

Link balled up his fist and was about to go down there when Zelda grabbed the boys hand taking it off her shoulder and bent it back almost breaking it.

Link's eyes widened slightly at the sight then he smiled remembering Zelda could protect herself.

(Time skip)

Link ran down the hall about to be late for his P.E. class. Just as the bell rang he was in the locker room breathing hard.

Dark looked over at the blonde and smirked. "Patrol boy's friend is late huh?" Link looked up at him still breathing hard. Dark shrugged and got changed before heading out to go to class.

Link followed suit changing into his gym clothes and headed out to join the rest.

The teacher walks out, he was short ref shorts and a white T-Shirt.

"Alright class. Today is fitness day!"

The class groaned, Link stood there somewhat confused, and Dark only sighed.

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