Trying to Fix the Stupid Bell

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[Hey Listen!] the bell rung and students began to leave their classes and headed to their next one.

A man by the name of Barnes with a shirt that was beyond to small, baggy green pants a bald spot that reflected all the 'lights in the hallway. In his hand was a tool box. He made his way down the hall towards the main wire system of some sorts.

There had been countless complaints about how annoying the school bell was but it worked didn't it? He grumbled under his breath as he opened the panel labeled bell and a puff of blue dust flew out at him. "Ugh..." He grounded and looked at the wiring trying to figure what might be wrong with it.

After about a good hour he took the whole thing apart and then put it back together only for the next bell to ring and the wires to literally blow up in his face. HIs face now covered in black powder he through a fit stomping his feet and threw his tools on the ground. "There is no way I can fix this!!!"

On the other side of the door was Mido. A red head boy dressed in green and black. He snickered and laughed looking through the small window. He held a black tape recorder and pressed the play button/ [Hey Listen!] He snickered again when a shadow now hovered over him. "Ehem...."

He turned around and his eyes widened.


A/N: Sorry it's kinda short. I've been trying to think on what other characters I should throw in here. If you have any in mind just tell me.

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