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"Ok, so how do we split the groups."

"I say pairs"-Takeomi.

"What. No. I say 2 teams 3 each"-Shinichiro

"You see, this is why Sota never hangs out with us again."

"How about we just have a vote." Hiroto said as he cut in. "That's a good idea."

"Ok,.. all in favor of two teams 3 persons each" Shin and Hiroto raised their hands.
"And all in favor of it being pairs." The rest of us raised our hands. "K, then how do we choose our team mate." Takeomi asked and looked at me but I looked at Hiroto waiting for an answer.

"I guess we can just pick numbers and those two numbers who matched will pair up. And if they have more than two of the same number, then they'd just go again."

We counted to three and then showed numbers from one to 3.

I had number 2,.
Waka- 3

Shin and Hiroto is an odd team. I'm not even sure if they like eachother. "Come one Takeomi, let's go spend your money." "I didn't agree on this." "Ok, so we'll be playing a bunch of games and whoever gets the most tickets or points, their pair wins. But we do have a price range so we don't waste money." They all nodded and we went off.

Takeomi and I went and we were basically the dream team there. He dominated the basketball games and I won all the arcade games. We took a break and went to check on the others. Waka and Benkei weren't fans of competing when me and Takeomi were team mates so they were just casually strolling and playing a little bit of games.

We went looking for Shinichiro and Hiroto and when we arrived,. They both had absolutely no tickets. Oh wait  nevermind, they got 10,.. in total. "What's up with you two. Even Waka and Benkei got more tickets and they aren't even trying." "We just don't know how to team up together. I'm used to teaming up with you, Y/n." Shin said as he walked up to me. "You really gotta make more friends, Shini."

Well, the day ended and Takeomi and I won and we fought over who gets the prize. It ended in us getting a bunch of stuff and sharing I among all of us and Hiroto's brother and his friends. Hiroto's brother went home with one of his friend to spend the night and now we were all just out at a Cafe outside on the chairs.

Hiroto got a message and then looked up to us. "You guys interested in a party."

"Hiroto, bro. You made it. I see you brought some more guests." "Y/n, this is Daiki. He goes to another school from us." "Hi there." "Well hello there. Come in. It's not that big of a party." Hiroto walked in first then the rest of us followed. Benkei went back home because he's not that into parties and Shin and Takeomi wouldn't let me go alone and I convinced Waka to come along.

As soon as we walked in,. The house was actually not that full with people. We went into the living room where everyone was and sat down and talked for a while. Takeomi sat with some guys and gals and drank some alcohol, Waka was being bombarded with questions from a bunch of girls and I was talking to Hiroto and his friends with Shin.

"So, are you two dating. You haven't left each other's side since you guys arrived here." "Haha no." I said as I drank some of the alcohol Takeomi gave me claiming that I shouldn't take from anyone else. Shin looked at me and nodded along, drinking some alcohol that he got from one of the guests there. "Oh~"  "Y/n!" I heard Waka call for me. I'm guessing he wants help out of that girl situation. I won't blame them. The first time I saw Waka, I fell for him.

Shinichiro POV
Y/n went over to Waka and left me with her friend. "So, Shinichiro what do you do in your free time" "Y/n told me you own a bike shop. That's cool." Y/n get your tail back here.

Hold On Shinichiro x Y/n(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now