Chapter 7

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A week passed. Although none of them admitted it, it was the best week they'd probably ever had. At least it was for Emma and Regina. The two were spending more time than ever together.

Regina was working at the mayor's office, and Emma was just down the street, working as sheriff. Her stomach was gurgling, asking for a lunch break. But instead of just going straight to Granny's, she did something she'd been planning for the last few days.

Emma turned on her phone, went into contacts, clicked on Regina and called her.

"Hi, madame mayor." Emma said. "Have you had lunch yet?"

"No, of course not." Regina answered. "Why? Were you going to ask me out?"

"Naturally." Emma said. "I'll order your favorite at Granny's and meet me on the edge of the forest near the town line, okay?"

"I love a mysterious woman." Regina agreed. "I'll be there in half an hour."

She kept her word. Emma went over to Granny's, and ordered her and Regina's specials to go. She set up the picnic blanket in the forest a few feet in, and grabbed a few plates she'd brought with her, then put the food on the plates and grabbed two water bottles from her bag. Finally, Emma lit two candles and placed them in the middle, illuminating the spot.

"Ms. Swan?" Regina asked, arriving there. 

Emma popped out of the trees, smiling. "Come here." Emma pulled Regina into the forest. "I thought we deserved a break."

Regina had broken out into a grin. "Any break is a good one, as long as it's with you."

"When did you get so romantic?" Emma asked.

"You've got an hour, then it's back to work." Regina finished.

Emma grinned. Yeah, that was kind of what she was expecting. "Well, that is plenty of time for me." Emma agreed, taking Regina's hand in hers.

The food was finished in half an hour. Then the two of them sat there talking, for a while, nether one wanting to leave and return to work.

"When are we going to tell everyone." Emma eventually asked. "About us." She added after Regina looked confused for a moment.

"Well, there isn't much to tell." Regina lied.

Emma gave her a look. "Regina, you and I both know that's not true. We've been together for a week now. Maybe it's time to stop hiding out in the forest, or cooking meals for each other at home."

"Ms. Swan, we don't even know if this relationship is going to work out." Regina said.

"Well, this last week with you has been the best one yet." Emma said. "All I know is that I love you, Regina. I want you to know that. And if you don't want to tell anyone for a month, that's fine. I don't care. We can do whatever works for you."

"Thank you, Emma." Regina said quietly. "And I love you too."

They hesitated for a moment.

"We should pick this stuff up." Regina said. "We've had our hour. I don't want people suspicious that we have left."

They picked up everything. 

"Hey, Regina?" Emma asked as they were finishing up the last of the clean up.


"What's the real reason you didn't want to tell Henry?" 

Regina didn't even want to both lying. "It's just that...if I tell him, then everything suddenly becomes real. And nothing is official yet."

Emma slammed her trunk shut, putting everything she'd brought there out of sight again. 

"Who says it isn't official?" Emma asked quietly, taking a step closer. Their lips hadn't been this close ever before, other than in the ice cream shop.

"Nobody." Regina said, inching her lips forward. 

"Nobody said it was official, either." Emma pointed out. Their lips were only inches apart now.

"Well, I'm changing that." Regina said.

She didn't give it a second thought. She pushed forward the rest of the way, and grabbed Emma, pulling their bodies together. They kissed each other, and it gave a satisfaction that nobody else could claim.

Several long moments passed, and the two of them stood there, their lips glued together. Although Regina knew it was probably only a few seconds, it felt like an eternity. She was never going to let go. Each second that passed she wanted to only pull closer. 

Emma kissed Regina like she'd never kissed anyone before. She gripped Regina's back hard. Both of their eyes closed.

Finally, after what felt like days, they finally split apart. Their faces were still only a centimeter apart. Their breaths were shared, and both of them were unwilling to move farther away. They didn't speak, but then in unison both moved forward again, and kissed once more. More quickly this time, they split apart. 

Their foreheads leaned together. "I plan on doing that again." Emma said. Regina felt her cheeks heat up.

"As do I."

Then they set off in two different directions.

Emma wasn't thinking that much about work that day. Nothing much was happening that she needed to deal with, so she spent most of the day reliving what had happened between her and Regina and thinking about tonight, when they could see each other again.

Regina should have gotten more paperwork done that day. She should have finished more than she did, but she wasn't able to focus as hard upon it after what had happened earlier. Eventually, she decided to go home early and hope Emma would be there.

In fact, Emma had been thinking the exact same thing. 

"Swan." Regina said when Emma walked in the door a few minutes after she did. 

"Regina." Emma said back, smiling. They pressed their lips together for a brief moment, then pulled away.

"Henry will be home any moment." Regina said.

"So you still want to keep things private?" Emma asked.

"Yes." Regina muttered. "Just for a little while. Then we can tell everyone."

At that moment, the door opened, and Henry walked in. Emma turned toward him and smiled.

"Hey kid." She said. "Regina and I got off work early." She added before Henry could ask.

The rest of the afternoon was normal. Henry did his homework, and he defiantly did notice his parents taking second glances at each other. After an hour of them acting strangely, he finally decided to ask.

"Is there something going on?" He asked, sounding worried.

"No, of course not." Emma said quickly. "Everything is fine, kid."

"Henry, there is nothing to worry about." Regina agreed.

Henry knew that they were telling the truth. Everything was fine, but he still felt like they were hiding something. Maybe they had finally admitted their feelings for one another. He sure hoped so.

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