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-well umm that's hard to answer without Cassidy you know umm" you continued to stutter and mumble you flumbled with your hands and you started walking backwards towards the door of which you opened and ran towards the basement to hide from Susie and Charlie, horrified to even answer that one question that makes them so soooo flustered. You heard the door open so you ducked and hid... Footsteps slowly coming down stairs the air becoming tense like you had just became a problem but the tense air wasn't you it was... Cassidy and now you had to come up with a plan to get upstairs and hide.Panicking you squeaked very loudly and Cassidy went towards you, and you tried to crawl quickly and quietly to the staircase but you get caught and Cassidy grabs you by the collar of your shirt and she hugs you...? And the she says "I thought you ran out of the house and wanted to never come back because of what Susie and Charlie did" and your heart felt so broken just because of how sad she looked so you hugged her back and you were blushing through all of that and then you guys heard a *click* and the cassidy said "This isn't the time for pictures I'll kill you Susie" and the Susie yelled "I'm already dead" Charlie looked towards her "we've talked about this you can be deader" and the Susie ran.

I'm so sorry for this cringe chapter...

The Other Half Of My Golden Heart  Cassidy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now