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My name is Hansol Vernon Chwe. I am 20. I go to a fairly decent college and i have pretty good grades too. I have a decent family. I have decent friends. In a way, I'm like everyone else. There is nothing really special about me. I should be contended with what i have. I mean for some reasons, i feel incomplete.  Like...something is really wrong with me. like, you are in a huge crowd and everyone is just so happy, they are laughing and chatting and simply enjoying their time. And i'm there but no matter how badly i want, i can never be a part of them. Suppose my mom is sick, and i'm worried about her. I really want to ask her how she feels.But i just couldn', some strange energy was stopping me from showing my concern, showing my love to her. I mean..this whole LOVE thing seemed really weird to me. It scared me ....a LOT.I mean i often wondered how it would feel to be somebody's someone., to have someone without whom i couldn't live. But then again, it didn't match with my image.

The weird nerd kid is not supposed to be in love, right? I mean a nerd should just sit somewhere far away and read and be invisible. In every way i wanted to avoid this thing called love.Cause i just couldn't bear the idea of being dependent on someone.When you are in love, you feel happy. And that happiness must be euphoric. But when they are not around you can't be happy!!! like you have to be dependent on them for happiness!!  When my friends would brag about their boyfriends..i'd just simply sit at one corner, reading my harry potter books and pretending to be NOT bothered by their lovey dovey actions. I mean..who needs love anyway? Call me unromantic, but i seriously never liked coming in touch with people. Seungkwan and seokmin was way too friendly to leave an awkward human being equivalent to trashcan [i'm talking about myself] . Those are the only friends i have. But even they were dating. They tried to include me in everything but then again i was just way too awkward that most of the time their dates were ruined because of me.

. I was okay with being invisible. I didn't want a lot of people's attention.but sometimes i did want to be someone's someone. yeah,i know, i'm a problematic confusing human being.

That's how my life has been..forever.

 Until an unknown number called me and asked me for dating advise.

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