6.something wrong with the waters

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Vernon was angry. Which is pretty worrying cause Vernon  N E V E R  got angry. He worked so freaking hard for his presentation but now his professor Ms. Richards was being a bitch. She didn't even looked at his work properly before declaring that he's getting a B. For god's sake, she should have at least checked it once! He  was walking (storming, actually) past some brainless kids who were making a big fuss over something unimportant like blue whale extinction or the national pajamas day or something similar. He wanted nothing more than go to Shining Diamonds and have a good drink while whining about his sorry life to Seungcheol. It's too early to drink but he could make an exception for one day, right?  But his thoughts got interrupted when a kid, maybe a freshie, came closer to him with a big smile on his face and handed him a flyer.

"Hi! We are having a dance showcase  tomorrow! It's for charity. All the money gathered from the showcase will be donated to the children's hospital. For the children who suffer from Lukaemia. Please come to our program-"

"Fucking ridiculous.." Vernon mumbled under his breathe. He didn't have time for this.

"Excuse me?" The boy said with a disbelieving expression on his face.

Oh shit. He heard it.

"You think having Lukaemia is ridiculous? WHAT THE FUCK!?! They are only kids for fuck's sake! We're trying to help them and you think that's ridiculous? You need a fucking morality lesson,mister!" The boy jabbed a finger on his chest." This world is still a fucked up cruel place only because of people like you !" The boy said with anger and jabbed his finger again.

Vernon stayed silent. He wasn't sure what to feel actually. He should apologize now, he knows it. But all the words seemed to get caught in his throat. It was like his mind has shut down for the time being.

 The boy was korean.  Brown eyes, brown hair, only a couple of inch shorter than himself. He had sharp features. Sharp nose and sharp jaws. But there was a hint of baby fat on his cheeks that made him look very young and...cute. He was wearing an orange sweater and white pants. Wow..since when did white pants start looking this good? And Vernon hated the color orange. But it looks really nice now.

So, Vernon kept standing there like an idiot, staring at the boy's angry face with his mouth agape like a fish.

"You're supposed to say sorry, mister!" The boy demanded.

"Uhhh...." Vernon scratched his neck. He had been frustrated just a few minutes ago and he was ready to sue whoever bothered him. Now why is his mind blank? Why can't he find any word to say?

"Channie! Come here!"  A ridiculously tall male with black hair (This one was korean too. And a good looking one. Wow, his college seems to catch all the good looking koreans this year.)

The boy, whose name is Chan , he assumes, gave him another glare before heading towards the tall guy.

 Anger is a good look on him Vernon thought to himself.

Vernon stared at the guy for another moment or two , then decided to go back home and study harder for the upcoming test. He's going to get an A+ from Ms. Richards next time.

It was pretty interesting how getting scolded by a complete stranger turned his mood better and motivated him to study rather than getting his ass wasted in Seungcheol's bar.


Chan is tired and exhausted and not to mention that he's annoyed because he met an insensitive prick today who thinks Lukaemia is freaking ridiculous. He needs something to get his mind of of things. And he knows exactly what he needs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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