Chapter 8

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For two weeks I ignored Nolan. Too much? Nope, I was petrified of him, simple and easy. I saw the world's fastest swelling in history. It was gruesome. Sure, maybe he deserved it but GOSH. Nolan has been doing the exact same, ignoring me. I don't have a problem with it and I'm sure he doesn't either considering he has a new life size Barbie attached to his side every time I see him. Should it worry me that it's EVERY time I see him or the fact that he has a DIFFERENT ONE each time?

I walked through the hallway, (and thankfully only a handful of people were scurrying around) holding my head down in thought when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Chase. Ever since the party, we've hung out a few times. He's really nice and sweet. The only problem is that whenever we hang out, he reminds me of Nolan because they have the same nose. Gosh, why did he have to have a twin? Sure, they weren't identical twins but they do have similar features.

"Oh, in your own world again, I see." He smiled a sweet smile. His hair was a mess and he still looked incredibly attractive.

"As always." I poked him, earning a chuckle. I narrowed my eyes in a playful way. "You're ticklish." I stated, a sly grin making it's way to my face. His entire body became very aware of me by tensing. His expression got serious.

"Psh, no."

"Liar." I said, turning away from him, the smile still highlighting my face.

"Am not." He countered.

"Sure." I giggled.

"I'm not."

"Okay then you shouldn't be bothered if I did THIS" I jabbed my finger in his side and began to tickle him. His face lit up in amusement and he laughed hard. People started staring at us and he finally grabbed me by the hands and kept my fingers from terrorizing him any longer.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you said it wouldn't bother you." I giggled. He stepped closer to me, allowing my back to press against a locker. All of a sudden his ragged breathing became steady and we were staring at each other intently. His eyes scanned my green ones and I found myself feeling trapped as his body came closer.

"So now you know, I'm afraid of tickles." He smiled.

"Now I know." I repeated. His eyes scanned my lips and I felt the world tilting. Wait, are we about to kiss? His face appeared closer and I knew. Yup, he's going to kiss me. My eyes closed and I waited for his lips to reach mine when they... didn't. Instead, he whispered in my ear "Later." And then the bell rung and he left. Way to make a girl feel un-rejected.


"That's not fair, you always win." Jackson complained. I put my controller to the X-box down and pouted. At that moment, the doorbell rang. I jogged to the door and opened it without yelling "who is it".

"Hey." Chase smiled at me. He scanned my body and I felt a blush spreading across my cheeks. He was wearing a shirt with animations and black shorts-ish pants. He managed to pull it off.

"Oh, uhm, hi." I shied behind the door since I was only wearing a crop top and shorts.

"I want to ask you something." He came inside once I opened the door wider.

"Sure." I said, walking him to the living room couch. We sat down and Jackson ran over to us.

"Kat, is he your boyfriend?" Jackson asked. Panic rose over my body and I could feel Chase's gaze on me. He chuckled humorously and my attention averted to him.

"No." I said to Jackson, embarrassed a bit. The word boyfriend reminded me of Zach who had apologized to me countless times over social media and text and stuff which only made Victoria cyber-bully me more. Of course, I ignore her but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. I usually ignore her horrible messages she posts about me until I just can't anymore and break down and cut or do something bad to myself. It may not be a good enough reason to harm myself but It's still a reason. And I know I should report it, but I just never seem to build up the courage to confront her.

"So, Erm, Kat-" Chase once again held my attention.

"Where's Nolan?" Jackson cut in.

"Jackson, don't cut people off. That's rude." I say. " And I don't know, probably having a play date with some girl from school." I say, rolling my eyes. I turn back to look at Chase and he was grinning at Jackson.

"So yeah, my family is going on a camping trip, would you like to come?" He asked. Camping, I've always wanted to go camping. But wait, did he say family? B-but Nolan is in his family. Ugh. My need and want to go camping overtook me and I just couldn't say no. Maybe I could ignore Nolan while we're there.

"I would love to come." I say, grinning at him. His face lit up and he nodded.

"Well, I'll be on my way, I just dropped by to ask you." He said. I nodded and he smiled. I walked him to the door and watched him walk away. I noticed the black car outside and someone was in it. Yup, arrogant and dressed in black. His eyes met mine only for a moment before I realized that Chase was turning back towards me.

"Is there something you forgot?" I ask. He shook his head and came closer.

"This was long past due." He leaned in and met my lips. His hands pressed to my cheek and mine subconsciously flew to his waist. Kinda backwards but I couldn't think about that right now. He was a good kisser, I think. I haven't had much experience in the kissing field but I know I couldn't be that bad. I've read the books, my teeth were brushed and he seemed to be liking it by pulling me closer. Once he pulled away, my fingers reached my lips and he chuckled, not daring to move his hands from my cheeks.

"I'll pick you up Tomorrow at 6." He said. I nodded, speechless and he jogged down my driveway to meet up with Nolan in the car. I caught a glimpse of Nolan's face. His face remained bored but his eyes said otherwise, like he was trying to hold back a laugh. What the heck? But he wasn't looking at me.

I turned around to go back inside when I see what Nolan was probably laughing at. Jackson's face was shaped like an 'O'. I panicked.

"Ew, now you've got germs." Jackson ran off waving his hands in the air dramatically. "I'm telling mom."

I heard fits of laughter coming from the driveway and saw that Chase was laughing and Nolan just had a sly smirk on his face. I shot them a look of panic before walking back inside my house and closing the door. As soon as I closed the door I heard mom's voice.

"She WHAT?" Crap.

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