Chapter 26

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I woke up crying and wished it wasn't a school day but it was, and I didn't need to miss anymore of school. I ditched making myself look presentable. I pulled my hair up in a bun and put my bag over my shoulder and ate before leaving, after brushing my teeth and washing my face.

Lana picked me up as usual and grimaced at my unacceptable appearance. I was still sobbing occasionally and it was kind of embarrassing.

"You look..." she started but when she saw my eyes that were tear-stained, she understood not to question me. I was silent for the whole ride and when we parked and saw Nolan get out of his car, Lana waved happily toward him and he looked over at us but didn't wave back. He only pulled his shades on and walked toward the school. There was a girl that came up to him and ran her hand down his biceps but he said something in her ear and she turned away, with tears forming in her eyes.

"What the heck?" Lana gasped. He had on a pair of black skinny jeans with a black t-shirt that displayed the abs he once said was mine. His leather jacket that smelled like him, lay on his back and taunted me. "What happened after we left last night?" Lana asked. I explained to her what had happened and Maddie and Travis joined us in a couple minutes.

"What's his deal?" Maddie asked.

"And why do you look like crap?" Travis asked. Maddie smacked Travis on the arm and he apologized. Lana told them what I told her and they walked me into the school. I went through the day unable to speak to anyone but Lana, Travis and Maddie. By lunch time, it's been the third time I've locked eyes with Carrie. She just looked away, as she had done the last two times. Chase had come to school too, with a busted jaw, black eye and a cut on his forehead. I felt kind of bad about the way I had acted toward him but he deserved it. He had no right to do what he did. He locked eyes with me from the other side of the café and Nolan looked between us from the lunch line. A guy behind him, probably a freshman, said something to him. Nolan had turned around, already angered by me and Chase's exchanged glances. Without any reason but taking his anger out on someone, he punched the little guy. He kept punching him and I stood up from my chair, yelling for Nolan to stop. I found myself running toward him. A couple teachers and security guards had to peel Nolan off the innocent guy who lay limp on the floor.

"Oh my God!" Lana, grabbed me as I was about to fall on the floor. "Kat, are you okay?" She asked. I nod at her even though everything was in slow motion. I was in shock. My body had no idea what to do with itself so it collapsed. Half of me wanted to stop him but the other half said not to interfere with a possible chance of him hurting me too in the heat of the moment.

"Yeah, I just.. I'm fine." I say through a rushed breath.

"No, you're not. You should go home." She said. "You're not you at all." She looked worried. Maddie and Travis were beside her, worry riding their faces as well. I heard a lot of noise going on around me. The nurse was tending to the boy and guards were pulling Nolan out of the café. Chase watched from afar and Carrie had run out of the café, unable to take the sight of what happens next. I went home and cried some more. My parents tried to get me to eat but I didn't eat. I was aching. I lost Nolan and it was too much for my body and brain to handle. I went in my shower for the first time today and decided that was a safer place to cry without worrying my parents. As I was getting out, I felt a wave of dizziness and I tripped over the side of my shower and fell hard on the floor. My dizziness disappeared with my consciousness.

Mrs. Matthews P.O.V

I knocked on the door that I had visited a couple months ago. It took a while but finally, someone answered. It was Mr. Stone. I shook his hand and he invited me in with a warm smile.

"What may I help you with today?" He said. My husband came through the door and closed it gently behind him. We sat on a couch opposite of Mr. and Mrs. Stone.

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