Chapter 25

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I run a brush through my hair as Nolan wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. I look at him through the mirror and smile. He takes the brush from my hands and began brushing my hair for me.

"I should become a professional hair-brusher." He said. I nodded.

"I agree." I giggle. He sets the brush down and I flip my head upside down to put my hair in a high ponytail.

"So, we're going out for breakfast. Your choice." He says.

I laugh and yell "IHOP!!" I put my hair together in a ponytail and stand up straight to look at Nolan. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. When I pulled back, his hand rips the hair tie from my hair, dropping my brown hair to my side.

"There, sexy." He said before backing out of the bathroom with a wink. I laughed at him because he collided with the wall beside the door. He blushed and turned around and walked out. I finished getting ready and met up with the guys and Lana in the kitchen. We watched t.v and danced a bit to the radio until we were all in the room. Once everyone was ready, we left out for Ihop. We picked a booth by the window with large, rounded seats. We all ordered and I found myself stuffing about a dozen waffles down my throat. Occasionally, some of the gang would stop to watch me eat.

"It's as if you haven't eaten in years." Chase smiled at me.

"I just love waffles." I say after swallowing.

When we left the restaurant, it was in the afternoon. We drove to my house and hung out in my living room. We played video games and drank soda while arguing about what weapons are the best for a zombie apocalypse.

Suddenly, my mom came through the door. I stood up and we stared at each other before running into each other's arms.

"I'm so sorry, baby." She swiped my hair back. "I'm so sorry." She repeated.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken out."

"I overreacted. I should have just heard you out and asked you what you wanted to do." She said, tears falling from her eyes. "I just didn't want to loose my baby." She shook her head. "I will never do that again, just don't disappear on me ever. Okay?" She cried. I cried as well, feeling bad for being the reason this amazing woman was crying. We embraced for a while before my mother let go to go to the kitchen to prepare food.

"Actually, don't cook for us because we have to go now." Lana pointed to herself, Maddie and Travis. My mother nodded and gave them a goodbye hug.

"Bye guys. Thanks for yesterday." I say and they left. Carrie and Nolan went into the kitchen to help my mom cook, leaving me and Chase to battle each other in a brutal video game I didn't know the name of. Nolan had brought it over one day when we hung out here.

Chase put the controller down after round two.

"Kat, I need to tell you something." He sighed. I put mine down as well and glanced at him intently.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Are you happy? Right now, with Nolan?" He asked.

"More than anything." I state.

"Were you happy... when you were with me?" He asked. My love-struck expression became a serious one.

"I was.." I said, half lying.

"Then why did you choose Nolan over me?" He asked. I started feeling uncomfortable with these questions.

"You're an amazing guy. You're perfect for Carrie and I know she's crazy for you so I guess fate just has it's own way of-" He kissed me. Chase. Kissed. Me. I push him off me and he looked different. He looked pained. I've never seen that kind of look on him before.

"I loved you Kat. I still do." He confessed. I shook my head, unbelieving of what had just happened.

"Oh my God." I say and he kisses me again, unexpectedly. This time, before I gathered the understanding to push him off, Nolan's yell broke him off. I panicked.

"What The Hell?!"

"Nolan.." Chase started. I heard sobs from behind Nolan. Carrie stood with a plate of muffins behind him. Nolan's eyes were furious. He turned around and stormed off. I looked at Chase and gave him a scowl that says I will never forgive him. I push off behind Nolan and catch him by his car.

"Nolan!" I yell. He whips around and does the worst thing he's ever done to me. Yells.

"You never really choose me, did you? There was always a part of you that loved him, wasn't there?"

"Nolan Matthews, you know that's not true." I say. He looks down at me and chuckles sourly. "HE kissed ME." I say, hoping he would calm down a bit but that's the opposite of what happened. I hoped that he didn't snap but that's exactly what I got. A snap. He opened the door to his car. "Nolan." I pleaded with my eyes, in barely a whisper and grab his arm.

"Let go, Kat. People like me never get what we want anyway. We don't get the girl, we don't get to go to college and we don't give a shit about other people. That's how we go through life. Chase is better for you anyway." I disobey him and keep my hand on his arm, gripping his shirt tighter.

"You know that's not true. What's up with you? I don't want Chase. I want you. You know that." I say. He looks away from me and flicks his arm away from my hold and gets in his car.

"Chase has always taken whatever he wanted from me because he is the better brother. I don't want to be around when he does that to you." He starts up the car before I have time to respond and takes off. As I turned around, I see Carrie coming out of my house angrily. She shakes her head at me sadly and lets tears flow from her eyes as she gets into her car and drives off. Chase comes out of the house after she drives off. When he sees me in the driveway with tears on my face, he walks over to me.

"Hey, don't cry." He pulls my face into his chest. I punch him in the side and he lets me go.

"Don't touch me, Chase." I say. "Are YOU happy now? LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" I yell, not caring about my neighbors peeking out their windows. I smacked him just as my mother and father rush to the door. They stand by the doorway and watch, in shock.

"I just want you, Kat. You don't understand the pain I'm in when I see you and him hugging or kissing. You should be with me-" he got cut off with a kick to his side, sending him doubling over in pain. I pounced on top of him, punching him in the face until he started to bleed. My dad pulled me away from Chase and I still yelled, through tear-filled eyes.

"You don't understand the pain I was in until Nolan helped me. You've taken the very thing that kept me alive until I could stand on my own away from me." I break out of my dad's hands and run into the house, to my room, locking the door tightly. I pounce on my bed and cried and cried.

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