Chapter 1: The abandoned hellhound

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(A/N): English is not my mother language, so i'm sorry if there is a lot of mistake or even if the sentence does not make any sense)

Hell, or the afterlife for those considered sinners. A place said to be one of torture, eternal damnation and immortal fire by those who believe in the Bible. But unfortunately, or fortunately, this is far from being the case. Actually, hell is only a chaotic, twisted and dark reflection of a functional society. You can see the sky dark red and with a pentagram carved on the moon, the cities filled with detestable sinners who committed many crimes or sometimes simple people being there only because they were unworthy of entering paradise. Hell is the home of countless serial killers, dictators, porn stars, cannibals and more unpleasant people. There are also overlords who are very powerful demons, instilling fear in the hearts of the inhabitants of hell. And of course it is also the residence of the king and queen of hell, Lucifer and Lilith

but this doesn't mean that all the poor souls living in hell were real monsters when they were alive. On the contrary, many of these souls descended to hell just because they were too desperate, or as I said, unworthy. But despite all this, most of them try to keep on living in their ageless demon form with the little hope they still have. And this is without taking into consideration that every year a group of angels descends to hell to "clean up": slaughter anyone who didn't manage to take shelter on time, which is probably half of them. What a joy. 

But despite all this, there is one person who still has hope. She believes in a better solution to clear hell of its citizens and in a much more "human" way. This person is called Charlotte "Charlie" Magne. The daughter of Lucifer and Lilith, heir to the throne. But then, what is this idea that would prevent this massacre, that would allow to empty the hell in a cleaner way? Simple, a hotel. Yes, a hotel. Allowing the soul who wishes to become clean and who knows in the course of time to repent and to be able to reach the paradise. It is her pride, a hotel under the name of Happy Hotel. She has employed dozens of demons to build it and the hotel is at 70% of its construction. Charlie did not receive much support with her idea and even less during the construction of the hotel. The only support she received was from her friends, butler Razzle and Dazzle. The least we can say is that her parents, let alone her father, Lucifer, did not support this project at all, but despite that, Charlie keeps his redemption project in high regard.

But one night, sitting in her limo, she feels a little gloomy and uneasy about what she is doing. She is not sure whether it is right or wrong. So she puts her phone to her ear while dialing her mother's number. But after a few beeps, everythings she can hear is... 

"The number you are trying to call is not reachable, please leave a message after the tone."

Charlie sighed, obviously her mother wasn't going to answer. after hanging up she put the phone in her pocket. Since the construction of the hotel, she and her mother had grown distant. More her mother towards her than the other way around. She then lays her head against the window of the limousine, placing her eyes on the landscape that the city can offer her. But all of a sudden, she widened her eyes at the quick spectacle in front of her, when in one of the side streets she perceived a figure leaving a smaller one in a baby carriage. She then shouts to her butlers.

"Razzle ! Dazzle ! Stop de Limo quick !"

Her buttlers push the stop of the Limo quickly, allowing the princess of hell to go out of the car. Charlie doesn't know why but she felt the urge to go en see what is going on, because something feels off to her. She then, approche the dark road cautiosly and slowly. Charlie sees that, as she thought she saw, there was a baby carriage on the pavement, while the other figure is nowhere to be seen. Charlie then walks closer to the carriage and she suddenly gasps.

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