Chapter 2: meeting the grandparents

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The least we could say is that Charlie is slightly panicked by the events that will take place in the next few moments. The hotel is still under construction and will take a long time to be finished. But that's not why Charlie is a bit nervous. No, if she is in this state it is because she is going to see her parents, Lucifer and Lilith, and that she is about to introduce her adopted son to them. talking about the little hellhound, he is doing well and is now four years old. He has been a real little angel, for a hellhound, and an amazing bond has been forged between Charlie and (Y/N). And that's all the more of a reason to be nervous about this meeting. Knowing the personality of her parents, especially her father. The hotel was already a reason for the family not to talk too much anymore but here we talk about making her son and her parents to get to knwo each other

Speaking of (Y/N) he is taking a little nap at the moment which slightly amuses his mother who discovered that hellhounds obviously likes naps a lot. However she goes to wake him up to have him ready to go to the lucifer manor. Beyond the naps, she also has discovered that her son is both very energetic and a lazy one which also amuses her a lot. She Is taking the stair to reach the room of her little boy and when she reaches her son's room and opens the door she, indeed, finds her son resting. Charlie then comes in and gently waking up (Y/N) to get him ready.

"(Y/N), sweetie... time to wake up..."

She shake him lightly with a hand as the hellhound finally woke up with a little grunt. 

"... mhhh momy, what is it ?..."

" Well it's time to get you ready to finally meet grandpa and grandma" 

She answer him, and as he hear what her mother is saying he sat up immediatly a wide smile one his face as he raise his arm and his ears up happy to hear such good news. Even is tail is waving. 

"Yayyy ! Grandpa Lucy and grandma Lilith !!"

Charlie chuckle softly in front of the enthusiasm of (Y/N), and it's understandable, given that Charlie told him about his grandparents over and over again. Because yes, even though they don't really talk to each other anymore, they are still her parents and she holds them in high regard. And she really whants her parents to accept (Y/N), since (Y/N) is the most important thing in her life. She takes her son in her arms, while he continues to laugh full of energy and happy to finally meet his grandparents even if deep inside he is slightly anxious. But he is four years old so his carefree attitude is quickly taking over.

"Yes, yes i understand that you are excited so now try to stay still"

She say as she put her son on the floor and go to his wardrobe to take a nice pants and a nice shirt. Even though he hate shirt. She then came back with everything as he start to put his pants on. Then relucantly put the shirt on but have a problem to close the shirt. 

"Momy, Can you help me ?"

"Yes my dear, wait a second"

She then put a knee to the ground as she lower herslef to his size and help him close all the button of the shirt. 

"Thanks mama"

he said as he proceed to kiss the cheeks of his mom, a gesture that make her mother heart melt in a matter of second. he then continue to dress up as he put his little shoes on. Then mother and son start to leave hands in hands as they reach for the front door where she put her vest on and (Y/N) put his jacket alone. 

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