Chapter 9: A familiar scent

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It has been some days that Alastor join the hotel. And it has been calm, too calm for your liking. You are tired as fuck. With that demon in the hotel your senses are constently on edge. You are always on your guard when he is aroud and Vaggie can see it. Your mom in the contrary, is too focus on the hotel to constat anything but in some way, it's better. You don't whant her to worry for you just when the hotel is starting to work out. Alastor is broadcasting some pub for the hotel and make some change in the hotel as it just look nice and not old and dirty like before. Husker, well drink a lot and is not really nice but he is okay. Nifty is a little cutie, that's the only things that give you some rest, wich is strange because she is litteraly a battery on legs. 

Anyway, a new day rise on pentagram city, and you well you are already up. It has happen a lot lately. But you don't mind, as you can workout a bit and train with a dummy ( who look like Alastor by the way). Yeah you don't really like Al. First he give you the creeps, secondly you suspect that he might destroy everything your mother is trying to do and finnaly, well, he pop up everytime in your personal space and you can't stand that. In the mean time you sense that it does not really like you either, firstly because you broke one of his finger when you first met him and apparantly his death have something to do with dogs. You find it offencive that he compare you a hellhound to simple dog but again, you take it and say nothing.  

You hit a last time in the dummy before to stop. You then go take a shower and come back to dress up for the day. You look in your wardrobe and see that you might need to go buy some clothes. You think for some time about where to go until you heard some knock on your door and it startle you, you immediatly think that is your mom so you hurry to take the dummy and hide it. Yes you don't like Alastor but he is currently the co-worker of your mom so it's better if she don't find out directly that you don't like him. Once that done you go open the door and at first you see no one.

"Down there."

A playfully voice say as you look down and see Nifty standing in your doorway. 

"Ho hey Nifty, sorry I didn't saw you, how can I help you"

"Well, I came to clean silly."

She said with her big smile, maybe bigger since she is speaking to you. Yeah she seams to really enjoy speaking to you, probably just because you are a male but whatever, you appreciate her so it's okay. Actually she is the only one with Vaggie that you can tolerate nowdays without annoying you. 

"Yeah sure go ahead, I just grab my skateboard and I'll go."

You say as she start to enter to clean and you take your skate and go out of your room and let Nifty work. You go in the loby and go sit on the sofa and just scroll on Voxstingram and you realise tha, the pic of the cameraman from 666 studio made quite the buzz with a lot of demon commenting how pathetic he is and you just snickers at that. You continue to scroll for maybe ten minute before you fall on the picture of a too familiar owlet. 


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