Chapter 5: You will always be my son

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A new day rises on pentengram city. Since (Y/N) talked with Vaggie it has been one year and (Y/N) is now twelve years old. Between him and Vaggie things has really evolve, a strong bond has been forged between the two, not as strong as the bond that the young hellhound have with Charlie but not far. As promised, (Y/N) is learning Spanish thanks to Vaggie. Vaggie also trains (Y/N) to fight, especially hand to hand combat. How happy Vaggie and Charlie were when they realized that their son is a fast learner. As for (Y/N), he now calls Vaggie by the nickname of "mama", as in Spanish, but also calls her by her first name, depending on the moment.

You as always when the day start, you sleep. Yep you sleep. Nothing bad about sleeping an hour or two more right ? Well you don't care because that's what your gonna do anyways. Well until someone enter your room and now there is Two option. Option one, it's your mother Charlie and she will wake you up calmly and so, you will be able to go back to sleep or... it's option two. You feel yourslef be litteraly push of your bed as you hear. 

"¡Levántate! Es hora de empezar el día y tu madre y yo te necesitamos."
"Get up! It's time to start the day and your mother and I need you. "

((A/N): When written in italics it is a translation and between simple guimet '...' they are thoughts.)

And it's option two... You then start to growl as you get up from the floor and massage your back before to face your mother vaggie and you know that she is serious when she make the serious face and put her hand on her hips. 

"Mamá, por favor, una llamada de atención más suave la próxima vez..."
"Mom, please, a softer wake-up call next time..."

"No, it's too funny to see you get up from the floor"

she said whith her smirk as your growl at her antic. It has been quite awile that you are on your nerves more often and you don't know why and so it makes you on your nerves even more. But when it comes to your mother you try to remain calm and don't make a fuss. 

"Yeah yeah really funny, ha. ha. ha. i'm dying here..."

" Is it sarcasm i hear ?"

" Yeah and know if you whant me to come with you i have to dress up so please ?"

She then leave your room, you know that she is just messing with you so you said nothing much. It even put a smirk on your face. You go to your wardrobe and start to dress up for the day. a t-shirt with the collar of a pentagram, a reaped black pans. You then go brush your teath with a special care for the canine. You quicly brush your furr and your hair. Once finish you go out of your room to meet your moms in the hall of the hotel as your mother litteraly jump on you and hug you nearly to death. 

"Hellooo my lovely ball of furr !!"

She squish you as you pat her back to get her attention. 

"Mom... air... please.."

"Ho yes, sorry hehe"

She release you as you can finnaly breathe. You then hug your mother but this time more gently. 

"That's okay mom, but let me breathe next time all right ?"

You said playfully.

The adopted hellhoundOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz