Chapter 13: Loona and (Y/N)

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A whole week has passed since Angel's break down and what you did NOT make for him. It has been also been a whole week since you and Nifty had your little talk. But even then nothing has change really, you still show like you don't care at all, much to the dislike of Nifty. Since you broke down to her, you built up your wall even higher and bigger. Being more irratable, doing a lot of sarcasm and showing a lot of  anger. Vaggie had tried to knock some sense into you but without success. Even Charlie has been trying her hardest to know what was going on in this head of yours but even then, she couldn't find out what was going on. You were skipping some lunch time, you were avoiding everyone or even snapping at them. You were basicly trying to drive everyone away from you. The only one that manage to not getting affected by your changement of behavior was Alastor. He can't care less about you, since for him you are inferior. Well that's what you are thinking but no. If he succed to always to at least make you shut up and storm out of somewhere it's because he is always very calm. Some would say that the radio demon would imediatly kill the person trying to be irritable or the one who misbehave, and he would ! But with you it's different, with you it's more to try to delay the ticking bomb from exploding when no one is aware. 

Right now, you are storming out the hotel again after a heated argument with your moms. At some point Alastor as usual stepped in with his calm demeator and his shity smile and as usual he, by some miracle got you even more irritated and angry. Even if he was only trying to show you how everything you did was only to drive everyone away to protect yourself even thought you didn't needed too. Of course since he was right, you obviously gave in and calmed down. Sarcasm. You trew a chair at him, that he avoid just by steping aside. After that you were ready to throw  yourslef at him but Angel and Husk tried to hold you back and for 5 minute staight before you stormed of of the Hotel. That's were you are right now. Outside to try to cool down. Honestly, you need to cool down for more than a day. You are so mad right now, you can't really think straight. 

You walk without turning back, you just keep walking. While you were at Pentagram city, people sometime reconised you from the time you were fighting Cherri Bomb. You receved quite the scold of your life from Vaggie. You walk up to imp city without really thinking. That's when you come across the bar where Alastor et yourslef came to have some information about Loona. You look at it for a moment before to mumnle. 

"Fuck it."

You go inside and sit near the barman who reconise you immediatly. 

"Well hello dude. What can I do for you this time."

"Just give me a drink. A strong one." 

"Yeahhh, how old are you just to be sure ? "

He ask as you deadpan at him, silently asking if he is serious or not. 

"We are in hell, just give me the drink."

He nod and let you with your tought while you start drinking. You start to wonder about the hotel. They are so damn anoying. That's what you think but nonetherless, you know that's just a facade that you whant to show them. The truth is, you need them. You need your moms, you need the joke of Angel, the irriated Husk and finally you need Nifty. Truth is, you just don't whant to show that you are weak. You don't whant to show that and be hurt again. You don't whant that to happen again. It would be really horrible. No one knows about it and you doubt they ever will. 

"Hey jackass, it's my seat your sitting on"

A voice shot at you. Grunt trying to ignore the person trying to annoy you. However you didn't expect being, brabed by the shoulder, spin aroud and being face by face with an other Hellhound. You were about to shout at her but come to a stopr when you realise who bothered you. The person who was about to hit you come to a stop to noticing who was sitting in her spot. Yep that's right, Loona was griping yourT-shirt as you look surprise. That's when the Barman come back with your drink and notice the situation. 

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