Chapter 12: Angel Dust

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Today was like every other day. You woke up, workout a bit, took a shower and took care of your teeth. And after all that, the objectif it's to find a spot and not move while being on your phone. Right now you are in your room, texting Octavia and going aroud social media. You continue like that for maybe half of the day. But suddenly you sense something wrong. I mean you don't have a sixth sense but you can sense when something isn't right or is right? And right know you can feel that something is off. And right now it is bugging you a lot. Enough to make you get up and search a bit about what is wrong. You start to walk aroud the hotel, your ears up, vigilant about what could be happening. You don't have to search a lot before your senses  guide you right in front the hotel room of Angel Dust. 

At first you don't really care, since it's angel but thanks to your ears, you can hear him. Then you understand why your senses whas bugging you. You can hear Angel cry. You frown at that constatation, why would he cry ? Could it be ? You decide to do nothing for the moment, as it could complicated thing. You go to the hall where your mothers usualy are to see if they don't have any information. When you arrive in the hall, you see your mom talking to Alastor while Vaggie take care of a demon who whant to stay here for the redemption project. You then go near your mom and Al as he is the first one to notice you.

"Well hello my furry fellow."

"Hello Al, can I talk to my mom an instant, I won't be long."

He nod and leave as your mom direct her attention to you.

"So sweetie, what do you whant to talk about ?"

She ask as Vaggie join the conversation.

"How long Angel as been in his room ?"

"Why do you ask ?"

Ask your mom as Vaggie answer to you. 

"Two days, it has been two days. Since the meeting actually."

"The meeting ?"

"Yes the meeting (Y/N)

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"Yes the meeting (Y/N). The meeting where you were quite harsh to him. Okay it's Angel and even to me he is anoying but you cross the line (Y/N). You should go apologise."

"Apologise ? Not gonna happen."

You say as you go take your skate to go out, but your mom charlie blocks you. 

"No, you won't go anywhere, not before you go apologise to Angel."

"It will never happen, but hey since you CARE so much, why don't you go confort him. Right ? ho and I remember that he like italian food by the way."

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