Chapter 3: Second mom

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Time has passed since (Y/N) met his grandparents. (Y/N) is now ten years old and to say the least, he has grown up a lot. Since he met his grandparents, the relationship between Charlie and his parents has... softened, but not changed. Here we can see the young hellhound playing in his room with figurines. While playing, (Y/N) thought. As he grew up he couldn't help but notice the differences between him and his mother. It's not the first time he thought about it but each time he either gives up thinking or just has something else to do.

The relationship between Charlie and his son has not changed, the bond between them is still very strong, unbreakable some would say. Personally he adores his mother with all his heart, even if she often smothers him too much. But he wouldn't change it for anything in the world, as said before he loves his mother with all his heart and is willing to make any sacrifice to make her happy and if he can help her he will jump at the chance to do so, even if it means doing something he doesn't like to do at the first place.  

While he is playing peacefully, his right ear is raised as if to be on the lookout. And it's a good thing too, because out of nowhere his mother comes along and gives him a huge hug, crushing him in her arms.

" Hello my ball of furr ! How are you doing in this amazing day ??"

"Mooom i was playing !"

Say the hellound as he is whining because of the crushing his mother his doing to him right now. Yes she is usually like that but even now he found it strange, has a hellhound he can sense that there is a raison behind the overenergy of his mother. 

"Mom ? Is there a reason for this ?"

"What ? Can't I hug my lovely son ?"

She said with a smirk, as you quicly see that see is playing with you. 

"Mom I'm serious"

"Yes I know and in fact there is something"

"Ha! So I was right !"

"Yes you are right, you sense are rarely wrong"

She then, still with this overload energy take him on a stool in front of a mirror as she take a brush and try brushing hair and fur as she prefers, which slightly annoys (Y/N), but he don't say anything so as not to spoil his mother's mood. But somewhat the brush is being intertwined with the furr which make him growl from pain.

"Ho boy, wait a second"

Said Charlie who is trying to take the brush from his furr but with no succes wich make (Y/N) wince more as he think. If his mother has forgot about her magic it's that what is hapenning is really making her nervous and extatic. 


The Hellhound say quite loud to make his mom stop, which she do. She then look at herself and her son in the mirror with a little smile of embarrassement. 

"Ho, Yes, you right"

She then  make some mouvement with her fingers as the brush magicaly got out of the furr letting him sigh. (Y/N) then turn aroud to face his mother. 

"So, what's happening mom ?"

"Well i am pretty excited because someone really, and I mean really important is maybe gonna live with us"

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