|01| Symbolism of truth

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Sleep is something that schools give zero shits about, they expect us to wake up everyday at 7:30 in the morning and then act so surprised when all the students are grumpy and miserable throughout the day. But you know what? I say fuck them, I actually value my sleep and that's why I've pressed snooze about ten times already. I probably would've slept for longer, but then I remembered the kind of household that I live in

"You stole from me you little shit!"

I keep my face stuffed into my pillow, I'm not getting involved this time. Oh so I thought.... The bedroom door opens and my little brother runs in, "Carmen save me!" He pleads

I sigh as I lift up my head, "What'd you do Matty?" I ask tiredly

"He took money from me" Adriana says annoyed as she walks in

"It was only thirty dollars!" He protests

"Matteo!" Mom shouts from downstairs

Our sister snorts, "Looks like your in trouble bitch"

He mumbles with annoyance as he trails out of my room whilst Adri sits on my bed. "You better get up otherwise mom will be on your ass too" She says amused

"She's on my ass either way"

Adriana went downstairs as I headed into my bathroom, I lock the door behind me before letting out a sigh.

Mirrors. My worst enemy, I could be having a good day and they'd find a way to ruin it. They're a symbolism of truth so I know for a fact that what I see isn't a lie at all, I look completely miserable and I feel it too. I lift up my shirt slightly before tilting my head to the side a little, then I pinch my thigh fat....it's become a habit now. I hate mirrors but I'm drawn to them, I just have to know what I physically look like at all times.

Then I remember that I have school so now probably isn't the time to overthink. I was done showering within ten minutes and downstairs after another fifteen. The twins are downstairs with Lola and mom, I think dad left to drop Matteo to school. "Morning" Santi says with a mouthful of toast, I wave a good morning before saying hi to Lola

Mom's standing by the fridge, "Morn-

"Lavaste los platos?"

-did you wash the dishes-

I refrain from getting annoyed, "No.... It was Adri's turn to wash up yesterday" I reply

She's so quick to blame me for everything, it's irritating. "Sorry I'll do it later" My sister replies

Mom looks back at her, "It's ok"

My phone buzzes

Enzo: If you don't come outside within the next thirty seconds I'm leaving

I pick up my bag, "Enzo's waiting, I'll see you after school"

"Want my toast?" My brother offers

"I'm good"

"Later" Lola replies

"See you soon" I'm surprised mom said that nicely


I walk down the porch steps after shutting the front door behind me, it's actually quite warm today so I didn't need to bring the heavy baggage that we all know as a jacket. I get into the passenger side of Enzo's car, "Santi and Adri?" He questions

I toss my bag into the back seat, "They'll catch rides"

He starts the engine and I lay my head back against the seat before closing my eyes, "How's the job search going?"

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