Chapter Two: Getting to know each other

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(A/N: let's just say that the red strand of hair on his holoform isn't in his face and that it's slicked back with the rest of his hair.)

When we finally stopped running, the girl had disappeared. Did I just imagine all of that? How could I be talking with a human one minute and the next it's like she never even existed. I looked around when I heard her voice again. I looked to see her in a hole in a tree. She told me to follow and disappeared. How am I supposed to fit down there? I'm so much bigger than her. I guess there is something I could try. I sat up against the tree and activated my holoform which I had worked on years before but never used.

Once I had that sorted, I looked down the hole to see that I had to crawl in. How convenient. I got on my hands and knees and started to crawl down the small hole. Only for me to slip and slide down the rest of the way! I slid all the way down to land on my face. I got up on my knees and looked at my surroundings. It was a little den of sorts lit by nothing but candles.

There were hammocks on each side of the room that looked rather comfortable. The whole underground home was held up with old human sailing ship parts and rope. There were a few crates just there to place things on, a little fireplace, and two chairs that were placed near the burning fire. 

"Welcome to my home," the girl said smiling, "It's not much but it's home."

"Impressive," I said standing up, "But not a very convenient way to get in." 

"You have to slide down like a slide. And you're the first person I've let in here. Well, you, the moles, and a few rats."

"What are they?"

She hesitated before making a rather inhuman noise. Not long after, a few creatures came in through small holes hidden around the den. Two of the creatures climbed up onto her shoulders while she picked one up.

"This is a mole," she said showing me the one she had picked up.

I was handed the mole to look at. It was almost like a thing of fur with a little pink nose and long nails attached to very small hands. I could see absolutely no eyes on this mole. But, taking a closer look, I could see very small eyes. It was kind of cute.

"They can't see very well but they have an amazing sense of smell," the girl spoke up, "and they helped me make my home. And these ones on my shoulders are rats. They also helped. In return for their help, I give them shelter."

"They're just small creatures. Why protect them?" I asked putting the mole down

"Because they've done so much for me. I was born out here in the forest and so many animals came to my aid and raised me. I owe it to them."

"You were raised by animals? Is that why you have a tail?"

"That's not all," She took her hood off.

She has a real pair of animal ears! They moved up when the hood came off. I was not expecting that.

"I've always been like this," she continued, "I told you I was a fox, remember? That's why I have a connection with the animals. I'm partly one."

I only nodded. This is a strange human. She told the animals that they could go back to what they were doing and left. 

"I didn't catch your name," she said once they all left.

"Starscream. And yourself?" I asked

"I don't really have one. But the mole calls me (Y/N) so I guess you can just call me that."

"Well, (Y/N), I'm afraid I cannot stay here with you. I have to go and find Energon Mines to ensure I don't die out here."

"What's Energon?"

"Energon is what fuels my kind and keeps us alive. Like blood to you humans. I'm rather starved of it at the moment so I require more."

"I can help you!"

"How can a human help me to find Energon?"

"I'm kind of like the mole except I can see. I have an amazing sense of smell and I'm an expert tracker. If you give me a sample of this Energon, I can find some for you. That way you won't have to blindly search for it."

I thought for a moment, "I know where the Energon will be. But finding whatever I've left in the mines will be a challenge to find. Very well. You may come with me. But we may never return to your home so I would suggest taking anything you may need."

(Y/N) gave a nod and started to put anything she needed in a little bag. And it wasn't much. Just any food she had collected, water, and a small knife. She called a rat and told it what was happening. She was putting a rat in charge of her home in case she did come back. Once that was over with, she put out the fire and candles and we made out way out. I deactivated my holoform and stood up in my normal form. (Y/N) came out behind me and we started to walk around.

She put her hood back up to hide her ears while she just pretended that the tail was part of the outfit. She knows what she's doing. We walked and talked more. She asked about me and persisted to know more about me when I said there wasn't much to tell. I told her about being the leader of Vos, a city back on Cybertron that was inhabited by seekers much like myself. I still miss those times. Back when Megatron used to respect me before I joined the Decepticons and became his Second in Command.

When I told (Y/N) about this, instead of degrading me as everyone else would, she seemed to like the idea of me being a leader. I asked her why to which she replied that she just knew I would. As in, it was just a feeling. I will admit, it made me feel better about myself. I think the two of us will get along just fine.

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