Chapter Sixteen: Making a choice

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Knowing full well what Megatron was about to do to Starscream, I used my claws to scratch Megatron's leg, warning him not to touch Starscream. I never mentioned this because I didn't know if it was true or not but Megatron would abuse Starscream for making a mistake. Something that is very common with anyone. I don't tolerate any form of abuse so I was ready to protect Starscream from his abuser. Starscream grabbed me before Megatron could snatch me.

I don't care about being loyal to Megatron in any way, you do not abuse someone for making a mistake. Starscream proceeded to apologise for my behavior but I cut him off telling Megatron it wasn't right to abuse people. Megatron then gave Starscream a choice. Either Starscream disposed of me or he would do it himself. Starscream said he would be back soon and took me away from Megatron. We left the Warship and went back to where my home is. I know what he's about to do. He transformed and put me down.

"What were you thinking?! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Starscream said

"I was protecting you from getting abused!" I said, "Abuse is wrong and I will not let Megatron treat you like that!"

"I am safe! I have somewhere to refuel on Energon when I need it so I don't have to scavenge for it, I have somewhere to feel safe without the worry of humans like Silas and the Autobots! We were both barely surviving on our own and that changed when we went to Megatron! I will tolerate the abuse if that means I can be safe!"

"Well, I won't tolerate it! So I'm giving you a choice of my own. Either you can leave me here and go back to your 'safe place' or you can leave that life and stay down here on Earth with me! If you choose the first option, you are not to come looking for me when you have nowhere else to go!"

Starscream went quiet, clearly thinking about it. I really didn't mean that last part. I just wondered what he would do if he did choose the first option and had to deal with that last part. 

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). But I have to go with Megatron," Starscream said

"Then I guess this is goodbye, Starscream," I said

"Yes, I suppose it is."

Starscream activated his holoform and I turned away. 

"I think I'm going to cry," I said still facing away from him

"I didn't want to make you unhappy, but you asked me to tame you," Starscream said.

I slightly nodded, "I know."

"Then I haven't done you much good, have I? It's all been a waste of time."

I shook my head, "no. Because you wasted so much time on me... you made me feel very important."

"But now I feel sort of responsible for you."

"I should've warned you that would happen," I said with a slight smile looking at him, "you always feel responsible for what you've tamed."

I looked away. Starscream said goodbye and started to walk off. One of my mole friends appeared in front of me with a piece of paper. I opened it to see it was a secret I promised to give the first person to tame me if they ever decided to leave. Before Starscream could leave, I ran over just before he could deactivate his holoform.

"I brought you a present. It's a secret. So I wrote it down," I handed him a piece of paper

He took it from me and gave me a hug. I returned the hug, knowing I was going to miss his company. The mole, Romeo, and a few other rats came over to see what was going on. Starscream separated the hug and picked up the same mole that I gave him when we met. He told them to take care of me while he was gone and the same to the rats. Starscream said goodbye again, deactivated his holoform, and flew away. And he never came back. I thought he would come back with my bag that I left on the Warship but no. I guess it's time to move on. Which is what I did.

I spent a lot of time just trying to rebuild my life and actually do something with it. Instead of just being this random girl in the forest, I went to the town nearby and looked for a job. The first thing I found that I was comfortable with was a dog walker. I'm around animals, I get paid well, and I get to talk to people which I typically wouldn't do. I had to hide my tail and ears the entire time, however. I just settled with a beenie that I found for a while and just hid my tail in my dress.

But, after probably almost a year of dog walking, someone who I had been walking their dog for a while asked if I just wanted to work as a personal assistant for them. It was an elderly woman who had issues doing many simple tasks. But we had gotten along quite well so I agreed to take up the job. I would help her clean her house, cook food for her, take her little dog out for walks, take care of her garden, plants, just a lot of things. But I was happy to do so.

Despite being paid for the jobs I did, I never used it to buy a house. I was quite happy in my den with my rats and mole. Speaking of, I once brought Romeo with me to the woman's house and she was quite happy with Romeo being around. He was well behaved, he helped around with my work and, while I was away doing shopping or walking her dog, Romeo would keep her company. When I wasn't working hard, the lady and I would talk about anything. She did ask me about relationships once and I just said I didn't have anyone.

I had no interest in finding a relationship because I'm not exactly human. I did mention Starscream with the first human name I could think of, which was Sean, and said that he wasn't around anymore because, well, he wasn't. She seemed to think that Starscream and I might have a crush on each other.

I never felt anything towards Starscream in that way. We haven't been together long enough to have a crush on him. He's just a friend. Or he was. He's never coming back. I've gotten that hint by now. But she seemed convinced that Starscream would come back someday. I would just have to wait. Let's just see.

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