Chapter Nine: Search for the relic

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The Semi was an Autobot. They were revealed to be called Optimus Prime. Wait a minute, the Autobot leader? Starscream has told me about Optimus but I've never seen him until now. Well, that's a lie. I saw him back at the M.E.C.H. base when Starscream found out his T-Cog was missing. But still, I didn't know it was Optimus at the time. Dreadwing told Optimus to hand over the relic. But it was clear that not even Optimus had taken it because he was going to ask the same thing to Dreadwing.

Okay then, I have a good idea of who took it. Humans. Well, they're the only ones that would be stupid enough to leave flags here. Dreadwing seemed more than willing to fight the Autobot leader to have some advantage of getting the relic first. They had a somewhat knock-off of a Mexican Stand-off for a good minute before Dreadwing took out a giant gun and shot it at Optimus! Optimus took out both of his guns and started to shoot back. Optimus quite easily shot down the other three Decepticons until there was only Dreadwing left.

I will say, Optimus is very good at this. Well, being a leader, I'm not too surprised but still. They both took out their Swords and started to fight with them instead. Ooh, fun. They had their little moment before Dreadwing put his sword away for hand-to-hand combat. I'd explain everything in the battle but they were too far away to tell what they were doing. But apparently not too far away to know that Dreadwing tackled Optimus off the cliff edge we were on. From there, we couldn't see the rest of the battle.

The other two led us to where they had dropped down to see either snow, smoke, or both covering the area. But Optimus walked out of it completely unharmed. One ran off to attack Optimus while Starscream took the opportunity to take me back and tackle the other Decepticon. Both were defeated rather quickly. Starscream picked me up and told me to stay as close to him as I could. It was really now that I realised that the cold was getting to me.

Like, bad. I was shivering a lot. But Starscream couldn't send me back to the Harbinger because he couldn't reach the Groundbridge controller. I did as I was told and stayed close to Starscream whose body heat somewhat helped. But I think the cold was slowly getting to him too because he was quite cold. We approached Optimus.

"What a team we make! I am so glad that you prevailed, Optimus Prime!" Starscream said, "That wretch Dreadwing was going to terminate me. Now, if you could just remove my bonds, I can lead you straight to the relic."

Optimus took out his gun again and pointed it at Starscream.

"You will lead me there regardless," Optimus told him

"You're welcome," I said trying not to stutter from the cold.

Starscream lead the way while Optimus kept his aim at Starscream

"Be reasonable, Prime! This cold will freeze both our actuators. And it will certainly freeze (Y/N) who is already shivering enough as it is!" Starscream said

"The current temperatures are not extreme enough to affect our biology. You'll be fine," Optimus said, "As for your human, I agree that she will freeze out here so we must get her someplace warm."

"Fine but miserable. And I can send (Y/N) back to the Harbinger if you would free me from my bonds to do so! And I cannot believe that you take our alliances for granted after all I have done for the Autobots. Helping to restore your memory, saving Arcee's life."

"While you have at times proved beneficial to us, it has been only to further your own interests."

"W-well, we can't all b-be as selfless as you, now, can we?" I asked really shivering now.

The two continued to walk while I was practically cuddling Starscream at this point. I need to go back to the Harbinger where it's warm. We soon arrived at a human research base. The relic must be in there.

"Aha, as I suspected... humans," Starscream said, "We will find the relic here. So, let us reclaim what is rightfully ours."

Starscream tried to go over to the base but Optimus held him back.

"We cannot simply enter a human facility to search for Cybertronian relics," Optimus said

"Not even if they stole it?" Starscream asked

"Nor can I expose innocent humans to a dangerous Decepticon."

"Fine. But please allow me to send (Y/N) back to the Harbinger. She cannot survive out here any longer."

"Very well."

Starscream told Optimus where he had put the Groundbridge controller and told him the Harbingers location should already be in it. Optimus activated the Groundbridge and Starscream put me close to it so I could walk through. But Starscream never followed me. I suppose he's still being forced to stay by Optimus. I got through just fine but it was after that I had a problem with. Despite being in a canyon in a rather warm climate, I was still shivering after what felt like hours of waiting for Starscream.

It was all too clear to me that I had gotten hypothermia. I've seen humans get it before so I know what it is. I have nothing here to warm me up. So, I put myself in a corner, hugged myself, and hoped for the best. After what felt like forever, Starscream returned in some armor that made him bigger than before. He called out to me but I couldn't answer. He took the armor off and looked around for me. He found me in my little corner, shivering. He ran over to me and asked if I was okay.

I told him what had happened and he was gone almost as quickly as he came back. When he did come back, which I won't say how long it took because I had no concept of time at this point, he had so many blankets with him and what looked like a proper bed. I'm guessing he stole all of this but something is better than nothing. He put the bed on a table and took me out of my little corner. He placed me on the bed and proceeded to wrap me in blankets.

But I could tell something inside was telling him this wasn't enough. So, he activated his holoform and joined me in the bed where he cuddled me to help me warm up. That surprised me but it shows how much he cared about my wellbeing. I wasn't complaining because I cuddled him back just to get warm again. And because of the hyperthermia, I fell asleep rather quickly.

(A/N: this was rather out of character for Optimus this chapter so I apologise for that. See you next chapter)

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