Chapter Eleven: Returning to the Decepticons

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Starscream wanted to use the Omega Keys to get back in the Decepticon ranks. No matter what, I would be coming with him. That was Starscreams words, not mine. So, he opened a Groundbridge portal to the Decepticon Warship, took all four Omega Keys, and we went through. We walked around until we arrived at probably the control room. This place is almost like the Harbinger. Though I guess they're the same designs. Now we wait for Megatron. Romeo perched on my shoulder the whole time.

"I cannot allow Optimus Prime to be the one to revive Cybertron," Megatron said as he walked in with Dreadwing, "we will locate the Autobot base, invade it and retrieve the Omega Keys."

"Been there, done that," Starscream said, "please pardon our unannounced visit, Lord Megatron," Dreadwing brought out his gun and pointed it at us but Megatron stopped him from shooting, "but we come bearing a peace offering."

Starscream showed the four Omega Keys. I really hope his plan works. Starscream put the keys down in front of him.

"Few things of value come without a price," Megatron said towering over me and Starscream, "So, tell me, Starscream, what is it that you wish in return?"

"Only to be a Decepticon once again," Starscream said bowing.

"Dreadwing is my first lieutenant now."

"And I accept that much has changed during my absence. I only wish to serve you, my one true master, in any way that you deem fit. And my human, (Y/N), can do the same should you decide to let her stay."

"I am deeply impressed by your accomplishment, Starscream. And know that I will put your offerings to good use, whatever the outcome. As for your human, her fate will be decided after."

"Outcome?" Starscream chuckled nervously, "of what?"

Megatron ordered someone called Knockout to be taken out of a wall. Knockout was the Decepticon Medic. But Megatron wanted to know what Starscreams true motives were. Knockout used a cable which he attached to both Megatron and Starscream. They passed out, leaving me with Knockout. I asked what he had done. He explained that he was using a device called a Cortical Psychic Patch to look into their minds.

We were going to see all of Starscream's memories. I'll save all the details of what we saw but I will say about what my fate was. While looking through Starscream's memories, the two had stumbled across the moment that we first met. Megatron questioned the whole taming process but Starscream explained that he just wanted to see what would happen. And then there were highlights of what Megatron called 'my usefulness'. So all the times I helped Starscream.

But, after a long process, Starscream was allowed to join the ranks again and I was allowed to stay as I've proven to be quite useful. That's reassuring. The two were taken out of the Patch and Megatron ordered Knockout to do Starscream's T-Cog Transplant. I only stayed to watch because I was curious to see how it was done. Somehow it looked way easier than I thought it would be. But the transplant was a success. Though I'm not sure I liked what happened after.

"Rise and shine!" Knockout said to Starscream as he opened his eyes, "Your T-cog transplant was a success. Yes, I am just that good."

Starscream sighed, "Finally. I can't wait to take flight and soar above the clouds."

"Starscream," We looked over to Dreadwing standing in the doorway, "I regret to inform you that you will not live to spread your wings ever again."

Dreadwing had taken out his gun, ready to shoot Starscream! Dreadwing shot at Starscream who managed to duck out of the way. I jumped over to Starscream and had my claw gloves ready to defend Starscream. Just a quick reaction I suppose. I don't know what I expected to do! Starscream begged Knockout for help but he ran off! Dreadwing dropped his gun and took out his sword instead. Starscream grabbed a drill in defense!

"Dreadwing, what has gotten into you?" I asked

Dreadwing sliced off the drill and Starscream backed off more. 

"Wait. This is about Skyquake, isn't it? I thought we had put that behind us!" Starscream said.

"So had I!" Dreadwing said swinging at Starscream, not that he hit him

"Casualties are an unfortunate consequence of war! But I assure you, your twin met his end with great honor!"

"Which you disgraced by raising him from the dead!"

"Oh, you know about that."

We saw that during the Patch. I almost forgot about that!

"There must be something I can do, some form of reparation I can offer to alleviate your anguish!" Starscream said just wanting to stay alive

"Your spark will suffice!" Dreadwing said holding up his sword

"Dreadwing!" Megatron's here! "Stand down!"

"This desecrator must pay for his actions!"

"You call this loyalty, master?!" Starscream asked Megatron

"I said stand down! That is an order," Megatron ordered again

"One which I cannot follow," Dreadwing said

He raised his sword up ready to kill Starscream when he stopped. Megatron had shot a hole in Dreadwing's chest with his discarded gun! But Starscream is alive, that's all I care about. Starscream thanked Megatron for sparing him but Megatron warned him to never regret which one he decided to spare. And Starscream became Second in Command again. Time to figure out what the keys do. I watched over Knockout and Starscream's progress with figuring out what the Omega Keys do. What I would witness was absolute chaos between the two. 

"Tick tock, Knockout. Tick tock! Megatron is expecting results, and given what we just witnessed, I would say that we cannot afford to disappoint our master," Starscream said.

"We?" Knockout asked, "unless nagging counts, I haven't seen you lift a finger!" he picked up a key.

"I am the one who brought him the keys. Do I really need to prove myself further by deciphering how they operate too?"

Romeo said something to me that the other didn't understand.

"What did he say?" Starscream asked

"Romeo said, 'Well, perhaps if Knockout's research hadn't been sidelined by someone's cosmetic surgery, he might be further along right now!'" I said exactly how Romeo said it.

Starscream sighed in frustration, "oh, just give it here!"

Starscream tried to pry it apart before banging it on the table making me fall. Knockout decided to be sarcastic about Starscream's idea but got some karma when Starscream swiped the key on his finish. Angry, he grabbed a key ready to hit Starscream but the keys collided and connected. The two of them got the idea to do the same with the other two and it showed a hologram of Cybertron and a location pointed out in red.

We showed it to Megatron who figured it out. Keys are useless without something to unlock. We then waited for Megatron to find the lock. But Starscream seemed to have a plan of his own. He had a bot called Soundwave on global surveillance and he found the Autobots human friends alone. Starscream had some troops take them and bring them here. Starscream planned on using them as bargaining chips in case something happened. Megatron gave Soundwave the word to open a Spacebridge to Cybertron. Starscream told me to stay on the Warship until they returned. Time to wait.

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