Chapter Ten: Omega Keys

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I woke up to Starscream still cuddling me but he too had fallen asleep. Well, at least I was warmer now. I managed to escape Starscream's arms and just left him to sleep. I grabbed my bag and had something to eat and drink while waiting for Starscream to wake up. I couldn't help but admire how peaceful Starscream looked while he was asleep. He's always been so alert since he lost his T-Cog that it's rare that I see him just relax and forget the worries around him. And I can always tell when he's alert because of his wings.

His wings give off so much emotion, much like my ears and tail will do. I guess we have something in common. We both have something to tell our emotions. A few hours later, Starscream woke up and saw that I was gone. Well, I hadn't gone far so I assured him that I was still here and that I was much better. He was happy to know that and deactivated his holoform. He wanted to look for anything interesting on the internet.

He seemed to think that maybe someone might've accidentally taken a picture of something Cybertronion that he could take and use. We didn't find anything interesting apart from a tap-dancing monkey. But Starscream found something rather interesting. Humans had dug up an Energon called Red Energon. Before I could even ask, Starscream explained to me that Red Energon can give any bot the ability of speed. So, like the Flash? I guess that would be useful.

Starscream went to the sight where the picture was taken but the humans had already moved it somewhere else. Though he did manage to find where it had been taken. I was told to stay at the Harbinger until he came back. A phrase I wouldn't hear the last of. When he returned after a few hours, Starscream has lost the armor that he had taken back in the Arctic but he managed to get a small piece of Red Energon. And he reported that the Autobots had a new teammate called Smokescreen.

I was expecting this Smokescreen to be like the other Autobots we met but Starscream told me that Smokescreen was a rather young bot. He only figured that out from the bots attitude and how the others were talking about him. Young, ambitious, and stupid is what I'm getting from it. Well, either way, time to process the Red Energon. The Energon that took days to be melted down! How does that work? An Energon created for speed takes its sweet time becoming a liquid than normal Energon.

But when it was finally melted down, there was hardly anything there from an entire chunk of Energon! Starscream said that there might be only enough for one dose. Maybe two. The Harbingers equipment then went off saying that there was Decepticon movement. I asked to come with him but Starscream said no because I wouldn't be able to catch up with him. In other words, he's trying the Red Energon. So, he left and I was left alone. Almost wish I took one of my rat friends with me.

I like a bit of company. Then again, I can always go back to get one using Starscream's Groundbridge. Which appeared not very long later. Starscream had returned with a relic which he said might be useful to us. One of four relics that could revive Cybertron. But he needs all four to do anything with them. He said they were called Omega Keys. They sound great but how do they work? Well, neither of us know the answer to that. 

"So, individually, each of these so-called Omega keys is useless," I said

"Yet possessing even a single one grants me tremendous negotiating power with either Autobots or Decepticons," Starscream said, "Still, imagine if I manage to acquire the other three. We could revive Cybertron and seize the throne as Starscream and (Y/N) the First, supreme overlord and emperor of destruction and the first human to live on Cybertron!"

Starscream seemed to love the idea but, from my knowledge of Cybertron and Cybertronions that I know of, I have to burst his bubble.

"But unlike Megatron, we lack the necessary infrastructure to enforce such a reign," I said, "No warship, no army... only our meager laboratory finds, a ground-bridge remote control, a single remaining dose of Red Energon, and the corpse of your clone. And you told me that Cybertron has a toxic atmosphere that could instantly kill me so how would I live there?"

"All good points. I'll think of something for you later. But I would all too gladly trade this key, simply to be restored to my former glory," Starscream said

"Elaborate please."

"I have a plan but I need you to help me pull it off."

Starscream's plan was to trick the Autobots into leaving their base so he could sneak in and steal the other four keys. To do so, he needs to make out like he's trading the key that he has in return for a  T-Cog transplant. But what we're going to do is use the clone to our advantage. Starscream is going to use the last of the Red Energon to his advantage while I have to do an insane amount of acting to keep the Autobots busy. As the clone is very much dead, I'm going to have to act like I'm greaving.

Me being me, I asked what kind of cover story I'd be giving the Autobots to keep them busy. He looked at the clone and thought up something on the spot. Since the clone has a hole in its chest, I have to say that I was the one who attempted to do the surgery but it went wrong and he bled out. That's the most detailed cover story I've ever heard but I'll do it. So, time to pull off the plan. We returned to where Starscream had tamed me, and close to my home, and set up the dead clone against a tree.

Starscream sent a message to the Autobots before using the last of the Red Energon on himself. While we waited for the Autobots to arrive, one of my rats ran up to me and said hello. It was one I named Romeo goodness knows how long ago. I told him now wasn't a good time so he decided to hide in my hood. Good timing because here's the Autobots. I pretended to greave over the dead clone while Optimus ordered him to hand over the Key. I just said what Starscream told me to say and they saw that the clone was dead.

The bots pitied me as I pretended to break down. They checked him over and Ratchet said something I never even thought about. His scanner told him that the clone had been dead for a while now. We've been caught! Optimus was the one to figure it out and looked over to me who knew the lie didn't work. I just ran for it, not wanting confrontation.

And Starscream finally appeared. But not at a good time because the Red Energon had worn off. He had the other three keys! He fired at the Autobots to distract them and started to run for it. I caught up to him and we got back to the Harbinger safely. Time for the next part of Starscreams' plan. Whatever it is. 

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